Playable Vampires are something that has been in every elder scrolls major game except for arena and the spin off games. So the concept of playable vampires has been constant throughout the elder scrolls history. it all started with Daggerfall, vampirism was something they added. Maybe something new they were trying out, allowing players to become the monsters and throughout the elder scrolls games they continued this tradition adding in playable vampires and lycanthropes even so far as adding a dlc for them in skyrim that gave them a special form. Compared to the lycanthropes, Vampires have been in four of all five major games and because of this they added them to Eso. This is why we have playable Vampires and Lycanthropes. I do think giving them a unique personality, where we can be more like a vampire would be something that would be good for vampire roleplayers and those playing vampire alike. They gave a beast one, but the means of how to get it is just horrible. I hope they never do it with the vampire personality if they ever make it.
If they have to they can just add it into the crownstore and not as a limited time item and neither a crowncrate thing. But I rather it be limited time or crowncrate then it being rewards with a dungeon. Why because they either place it behind very hard difficult content that is hard to beat and also with a no death requirement. I do not ever want to see this added to that for those very reasons. Unless it is givin just by entering it. Just like the one heroic personality was given by entering a dungeon that its fine but if not well then it would be better as a crownstore item. This is something they don't even have to add into the store to make money, what would be better if this was tied into unlocking level ten in vampire. Would be a unique way they can reward those who have mastered vampirism and it would be wonderful for us vampire roleplayers to be able to have this. Knowing them they will more then likely just tie it into the crownstore or crowncrate.
As for coffins I would like to see ones where they are able to open and shut, to add more to roleplay experience.Having the ability to open them up and close them I don't think would be too difficult, I think it wouldn't take much in the way for coding to make it work.
As for the sleep emotes they could add them in with a vampire personality where it alters the sleep emotes 1 and sleep 2.
Here is what this personality would do basically with the sleeping emotes.
Sleep one would look like this, would be asleep like this, without appearing as if your are breathing at all. Just sleeping the normal way inside a coffin.

Sleep 2 would look like this but this would be standing up instead.

There are emotes that allow you to look more like a sleeping vampire. Salute 2 and salute 3 and you can loop them. To make it appear as if a vampire is sleeping in a coffin but the eyes are still open I want to see proper vampire sleeping emotes instead that would look better and well have the eyes shut obviously. Here is what it looks like with the salute loop 2 animation right now.

Edited by Thevampirenight on February 19, 2019 3:36AM PC NA
Please add Fangs to Vampires.