I see alot of people say blood spawn for magnb and honestly I think it's a cappy choice.
Magnb can not sit and take shots anymore, we just cant. So our way of fighting is to try to not get hit and have shield up just incase we do, right? We rely on relocation and cloak to avoid any real damage. So you will never have a decent uptime from a defensive set that requires you to take agro. That 6% chance at a armor buff when hit is just not worth. Imo you're much better off running 1 skele 1 chudan for the constant armor buff, magnb has good enough ult regen you won't miss the buff from blood spawn.
Just my Feely feels on why bs is dumb for magnb
This is what I was thinking. Any good magblade I see in Cyrodil is only visible for 5 seconds or so before cloaking, moving, then reengaging. My brief time in Cyrodil last night reaffirmed that. If I was unstealthed for any period of time I got blowed up real good.
This is what I was thinking. Any good magblade I see in Cyrodil is only visible for 5 seconds or so before cloaking, moving, then reengaging. My brief time in Cyrodil last night reaffirmed that. If I was unstealthed for any period of time I got blowed up real good.
Stygian set in place of warmaidens have to transmute jewels as its medium armour, be generous with your cloak,
Monster helms malubeth is great the heal isn't up to much but that major vitality on your swallow soul is disgusting
thankyourat wrote: »
Blood spawn is actually really good on magblade maybe even BiS if you are a vampire because vampire doesn't pair well with troll king. The way I play magblade is I rely mainly on my damage shield and then I have cloak for emergencies. The thing about cloak spam is it's way too defensive. if you are cloaking alot you will never put out enough pressure to kill anyone. Cloak is needed but you shouldn't build around it.
I usually play with fortified brass/BS if I'm playing a vampire and with that combination my shields are actually stronger than they were last patch the trade off is that my damage isn't as high. Blood spawn is good offensively as well because it pairs well work magblade ultimate regen Making soul harvest basically a spammable and giving you the ability to chain resto ultimates together which also increases survivability.
Sypherioth wrote: »
Dont rely on this. because they are monitoring procs and they are gonna change skills/dots/procs that procs other procs the next patch.
I tried Stygian and found I didn’t hit hard enough pairing Stygian with a regen set.
Has anyone tried combat physician with swallow soul? I was thinking it could be a good idea, you’re only healing yourself so guaranteeing you’ll always get the damage shield, and the set has decent stats. Only problem is using swallow soul with all the reflections out there.
I tried Stygian and found I didn’t hit hard enough pairing Stygian with a regen set.
Has anyone tried combat physician with swallow soul? I was thinking it could be a good idea, you’re only healing yourself so guaranteeing you’ll always get the damage shield, and the set has decent stats. Only problem is using swallow soul with all the reflections out there.
Idk man I just can't agree. I really, really dont think bloodspawn is bis, I think it's situational at best. Shields are so weak atm. You have to invest so much into defense to make it viable that you kill either your damage or your sustain. Like your build fort brass bs and... I would assume offensive so let's say spinner. You now have a decent shield and damage from light and armor and spinners, but you also have like 1300 regen and 11k stam with triglyphs. You run trifood for morr stam youre like 1k regen.... its just such an investment for a completely sub standard shield. I have had good players (stam specs) catch me with combos shield up 100% hp and I just die shield and all. And im not even a vamp so the dbos is hitting you harder.
Also cloak is not exactly "way too defensive to spam" it depends in how you use it. I mean it gives you a big boy crit on your next attack so if you say it's defensive, I just say you're not using it properly.
I also know there is no way that shield is doing anything in a 1vx situation the max a fort brass shield will be like 6-7k that's a 1 global cool down attack from 2 players you would need to spam it to keep it up. So in that aspect this patch cloak and reposition is the only real viable defense
The armor master/ heavy armor builds and BS yeah they can work but non meta magnb is so weak atm (edit i felt like this needed clarity since i dont think there is a "meta" this patch, by meta i mean an offensive cloak blade in light armor)and has such a hard time is it even worth it? Is it worth investing so much into defense that you can only kill pve players and tickle serious pvp players? Not for me.