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Alter no death achievement from no death in the whole run to no death for each boss

Trying to get no death is just soooo hard :(
One mistake at last boss and boom let's start over again

I rather hope the no death achievement is sliced to few steps, you need to kill each boss with no death, and if you have done all bosses' no death (even if you achieved in different run throughs), you get the achievement.

aka like this: 1st boss no death, 2nd boss 1 death, but I can still go on to other bosses to try to unlock no death on that boss. I can do the dungeon again for the bosses we have failed last time, and as long as I got a no death in one of the encounter to all bosses, I get the achievement

This way the no death achievement is still hard to get, but you don't have to start over and over and over again to grind a perfect run

Alter no death achievement from no death in the whole run to no death for each boss 149 votes

profundidob16_ESOAimorachongguangScythe_MercerBigevilpeterForsakenSinFischblutMjolnirVilkasLyserusGrim_SlaughterfishZeroXFFFang_of_LorkhajWrathOfInnosCompM4sweedgeniusMrslizardfacer34lianLavellanZaroktheImmortal 19 votes
vailjohn_ESOtheyanceyAcrolasninibiniIzanagi.Xiiib16_ESOaubrey.baconb16_ESOSkayaqzariastatic_rechargetpanisiakb16_ESOa.ahanchiub17_ESOLiraTaurwenfioskalidkjbjondeaueb17_ESOAektannMalthorneAgobiCave_CanemEdaphon 124 votes
AlienSlofsrfrogg23ThevampirenightDiminishspartaxoxomacsmooth 6 votes
  • CMDR_Un1k0rn

    It's part of the challenge.

    If you can't do the run with no deaths then you don't deserve the achievement. Just the way I see it.
    In-game username: Un1korn | Happy member of the PCNA UESP guild (Resident Daggerfall Covenant enjoyer) | Main & basically only character: Crucian Vulpin, Imperial Dragonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant, and Undaunted Bulwark (I tank) | Mountain bike enjoyer and vulpine appreciator | If you know me from PCEU: No | To ZOS: THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BRING MY HORSE INTO BATTLE!
  • KhajiitFelix
    I don't think this is a good idea. It's not meant to be easy!
    Edited by KhajiitFelix on February 17, 2019 10:09PM
  • Edaphon
    Lyserus wrote: »
    Trying to get no death is just soooo hard :(

    That's the whole point.
  • ACaptiveMind
    How would you compensate the people who did it the hard way?
  • KhajiitFelix
    How would you compensate the people who did it the hard way?

    If they are going to do this, then they should give them a cool personality maybe.
  • idk
    It is intended to be a challenge. We do not need to start watering down challenges.
  • FlyingSwan
    Basic dungeon content is easy enough anyway, we need some meaningful challenges!
    Edited by FlyingSwan on February 17, 2019 10:19PM
  • Tasear
    Practice makes perfect ....
  • zaria
    Depend on the dungeons, CoA1 people die jumping down the tree, VoM also splat if people handle the first boss.
    BC1 is pretty hard on last boss in low cp group if people are not very careful.

    Getting into vet dlc, then yes they are hard. However you don't need them for getting undaunted 9 fast they are just for achivements.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • daemonios
    No death per boss is a completely different beast than a complete no-death run. It's not fun because it's easy - it's fun because it's hard.

    If you specifically want to go after no-death runs (nothing wrong with that), make sure you run with a like-minded group and that everyone knows what they're doing.Trying to pug a no-death is setting yourself up for failure and frustration.
  • Thevampirenight
    Either make the no death personal or remove the requirement.
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • Gnortranermara
    No. But I would be in favor of making them individual achievements rather than group achievements.
  • Cave_Canem
    You can have your "some death" achievement when I get my "lots of deaths" achievement!
  • srfrogg23
    Introduce "no armor" dungeon run achievements.
  • ZeroXFF
    TBH I never understood these achievements. If you're capable of doing HM, you're capable of doing no death, it's just a matter of how much time you're willing to waste on getting favorable RNG so that your tank doesn't get stomped on by the bear the very second the damn spriggan decides to turn him into a rat (yes, I'm talking about vMHK). Nothing to do with skill, nothing to do with tactics, everything to do with luck. So really, there is no achievement in it, just a pointless RNG based time sink.
  • AbysmalGhul
    I go back and forth with the idea of the no death run. Sometimes I feel they should make the no death on an individual basis or remove them all together etc etc etc. I only really feel this way because of the extreme lag or broken mechanics I go through for a few weeks after a new update hits.

    TC, practice, practice, practice, practice. It's worth it when you finally get that no death. There's no better feeling than meeting a goal.

    I know how you feel though. I have tried for the no-death in Falkreath for several months (since June 2018) straight with Domihuas at 3% or less and someone dies....I know it's frustrating, I played with the perfect team last Thursday night and after many runs of me not dying, I was the one who died at the last 6% *cries*

    Just keep getting over those hurdles and it will be worth it.

  • Diminish
    If they were to make changes to this, then it should be to make the no death requirement only for you, not your entire group. This would make it more accessible to a lot of people. Personally though, I could care less in the grand scheme of things. Just don't make it "too easy"; which is how I view the suggestion of the OP.
  • Odovacar
    It’s what makes it challenging...besides do you want to go around seeing all those shiny skins, personalities, etc everywhere..? I know I don’t...I love the feeling of earning challenger achievements...I wouldn’t want it any other way.
  • ccfeeling
    I strongly suggest that you should use pre-made group to try no death achievement .
  • zaria
    ccfeeling wrote: »
    I strongly suggest that you should use pre-made group to try no death achievement .
    This, for one you would not try to combine it with HM unless an easy dungeon.

    And don't ask for no death in VoM and spat on drop down into the pool.
    That brings salt.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • commdt
    No, it doesnt make any sense. First, this achievement is something you should work on to get, than you can say "man, I was there and did it". If it were your way it wouldnt be any achievement at all "man I facerolled it too like everyone on this server". Second, you forgot about adds. On our no-Death vMOL attempt 2 of 3 deathes were on adds, where will you put that part in your scheme? Not supporting
  • efster
    The current no-death achievements are fine; they're a good gauge of player awareness and team cohesion. However, I'd love to see individual no-death achievements added, too (ones for not dying, personally, in a particular vet dungeon/trial). All the tanks would be able to rack up so many Undaunted points quickly. : >:)
    AD is the best looking faction. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them.
  • WrathOfInnos
    As someone who has nearly all of the no-death achievements, I would be fine with this change. It takes exactly the same amount of skill to do each boss deathless individually, just requires less grind and luck for them all to align on the same run.
  • MattT1988
    No it’s fine the way it is. It’s meant to be a challenge for the good players. Not everything in this game needs to be aimed towards the lowest denominator as far as skill level goes.
    If you can’t do it, tough luck. Get better, learn and try again. If you can’t get better then that challenge isn’t for you.
    Edited by MattT1988 on February 18, 2019 6:57AM
  • VDoom1
    I don't do dungeons that often so I don't have much of an opinion on this. However it does seem like part of the challenge. It is difficult yes, but that's the point. Everyone would do it if it was easy.

    We Fight For Cyrodiil.
    We fight for The Daggerfall Covenant.
    We fight for The Aldmeri Dominion.
    We fight for The Ebonheart Pact.
    We fight for Tamriel!
    CP 1200+
    Grand Master Crafter | Tamriel Hero
    Imperial Dragonknight
    Khajiit Necromancer
    Altmer Templar | Dunmer Nightblade
    Khajiit Nightblade | Argonian Dragonknight
    Altmer Sorcerer | Breton Nightblade
    Nord Warden | Dunmer Sorcerer
    Guild - Priests Of Hircine
    ESO Since 2014
    PC - EU
  • Rygonix
    For me no death is one of the easier requirements. Your experience may vary but vet HM final bosses take me and my group more tries.
    Ceres Des Mortem-Dark Elf Templar, EP
  • Bigevilpeter
    No death is the main reason I dont even try challenger achievements
  • YamiKuruku
    The current no death is fine.

    I am one of these persons that usually dies to stupid mistakes XD But then we just start over and try no death again
    I like that kind of challenge, even if it can be frustrating at times.
    But that only makes you better and after getting that achievment you feel like you mastered this dungeon o:)
    Edited by YamiKuruku on February 18, 2019 7:44AM
    -{ PC EU }-
    CP 810+
    x Khazadaar > lvl50 EP | Khajiit magblade | Main&Master Crafter | Bloodletter
    x Mazayee-Kajthux > lvl 50 EP | Argonian Warden Healer | Godslayer
    x Margaux the Undying > lvl50 DC | Breton Templar Healer | Tick-Tock Tormentor
    x Fendryn Olms >lvl 50 EP | Dunmer Necro Healer | Gryphon Heart
    xCassius Pavo > lvl50 EP | Imperial Necrotank | Bringer of Light
    x Haj Xal >lvl50 EP | Argonian Healblade | Immortal Redeemer
    x Caessia>lvl 50EP | Imperial Warden Tank | Bringer of Light
    x Andre Valere >lvl 50 AD | Breton SorcTank | Gryphon Heart
    x S'zhan'ir >lvl 50 EP | Khajiit StamDen| Alpha Predator
    x Ri'zaad Sajhan >lvl 50 EP | Khajiit DKTank | extinguisher of flames
    x Mi'ra-Do>lvl 50EP | Khajiit magPlar | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor
    x Minwe Elsinor>lvl 50EP | Altmer MagDen | Dovahkriid
    x Velen Dres > lvl50 EP | Dunmer Magcro | Voice of Reason
    x Perathea > lvl50 AD | Argonian MagDK
    x Myvth >lvl 50 EP | Dunmer StamDK | Plague of Peryite
    x Nephaal Telvanni > lvl50 EP | dunmer MagSorc | Voice of Reason
    x Ko'haana > lvl50 AD | Khajiit Magsorc
    x Zasha gra-Lashk > lvl50 EP | Orc Stamcro
    xCassius Pavo > lvl50 EP | Imperial Necrotank | Bringer of Light
  • Vildebill
    I don't understand why. Just to get skins easier?

    It's not that hard to get some friends together, learn the mechanics and use some survival gear and skills, like change monster set to a defensive one, use more heals in the group, slot barrier, tank can use damage shield sets like Imperium. You will absolutely make it with that. I like achievements it takes some dedication to get.
    EU PC
    Other groups worked hard to get the achievement. Im sure many of them failed numerous times and had to restart. So thats what they did. They took the loss and tried again and again until they did it.
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