Trying to get no death is just soooo hard

One mistake at last boss and boom let's start over again
I rather hope the no death achievement is sliced to few steps, you need to kill each boss with no death, and if you have done all bosses' no death (even if you achieved in different run throughs), you get the achievement.
aka like this: 1st boss no death, 2nd boss 1 death, but I can still go on to other bosses to try to unlock no death on that boss. I can do the dungeon again for the bosses we have failed last time, and as long as I got a no death in one of the encounter to all bosses, I get the achievement
This way the no death achievement is still hard to get, but you don't have to start over and over and over again to grind a perfect run
Alter no death achievement from no death in the whole run to no death for each boss 149 votes