Hail and well met, all,
Despite having played this game since PC early access, now on Xbox since that went live, I've finally hit CP 300... yes I'm THAT casual, lol.
I always thought that once you hit, and allocate, your 300 CP, your stats increase by 20%
None of the stats on my 4 CP 300 characters has increased at all... even after zoning or logging out and back in.
Is my info incorrect, or maybe it's been boosting slowly all along, and placing my last 6 points, (2 each), isn't noticeable?
Is this stat boost mostly apparent on a new character... check base stats, spend points, check again, and see a noticable boost?
Thanks for any insight you may have.
Take care.
Thank you.
Take care,
Rokal, NoOb Extraordinaire