munster1404 wrote: »Another complain from a PvP perspective. Get rid of it, PvP has caused enough pain and damage already.
Nerfs help classes loose their identity.
Threads like this put pressure on the devs, that after some players whining, will take seconds to fear.
Players should think before asking nerfs, because others will ask them against your classes too ... And we all loose with that.
Fyi i dont main a NB and i sometimes die because of fear too...
Each nerf word in forum topics should cost 50 crowns, automatically debitated from the user account!!!
vermillion2077 wrote: »I don't know -- I hardly ever played NB in PvP and it always felt like such a clunky (and expensive) ability to use. I'm not sure what it is about it, could be a bug or whatnot, but it's always much harder to break-free from fear than it is to break free from Destructive Reach or Templar Javelin for example. I think that's why I always feel like it CC's you for too long.
Last night in PVP I was fighting two indivduals.
One Fears me, I hit break-free immediately two to three seconds later it actually works, meanwhile the my two opponents have hit me 4-6 times.
Immediately after the break-free works, the other opponent hits me with fear. Perhaps 6 unanswered hits from my opponents.
They did not need to fear me again, 10-12 unanswered hits and no time to shield ended the fight.
The stealth stacking sets and the combination of Fear and Cloak amount to virtual 'I win' buttons.
There is a Werewolf oriented group in pvp, when 20 or so werewolves are casting the WW equivalent of fear it's pretty hard not to be just breaking free continuously.
generalmyrick wrote: »Nerfs help classes loose their identity.
Threads like this put pressure on the devs, that after some players whining, will take seconds to fear.
Players should think before asking nerfs, because others will ask them against your classes too ... And we all loose with that.
Fyi i dont main a NB and i sometimes die because of fear too...
Each nerf word in forum topics should cost 50 crowns, automatically debitated from the user account!!!
whiningDictionary result for whining
the making of a long, high-pitched cry or sound.
"dogs may exhibit signs of anxiety, such as whining, chewing, and excessive barking"
munster1404 wrote: »Another complain from a PvP perspective. Get rid of it, PvP has caused enough pain and damage already.
learn to get a kill without relying on a crutchxenowarrior92eb17_ESO wrote: »learn to break free learn to imo pots learn to move
ok im done.