How have they still not added Faction Lock for PvP?

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  • Ormtunge
    Kadoin wrote: »
    Have you actually been around when faction locks were a thing? There's a reason they got removed.

    I remember quite clearly: 5 EP vs. over 85 DC with emp and being pushed to scroll gates every single day at night. Though faction imbalances happen, I've yet to see it that bad with the removal of faction lock.

    Those that want a faction lock should keep championing for it. I guess some things are better learned with personal experience...

    Nothing will change with a faction lock. Nothing in a good way at least.

    I havent been on the forum much the last 6-7 months, but I see some things dont change:) We dont have any statistics for it so we dont really know, but in my experience most players who want some kind of faction lock are veterans and remember it well (me including was here from beta). But if u werent? That doesnt matter. What matter is u want to make more pvpers play the campaign. There also is a reason most of the pvpers left, and that is we cant play for the campaign anymore. That is my oppinion anyway. But I know I am far from alone. I belive at a faction lock with some kind of population regulation would revive pvp in this game and bring back alot of the oldtimer pvpers.
  • Haashhtaag
    Ormtunge wrote: »

    I havent been on the forum much the last 6-7 months, but I see some things dont change:) We dont have any statistics for it so we dont really know, but in my experience most players who want some kind of faction lock are veterans and remember it well (me including was here from beta). But if u werent? That doesnt matter. What matter is u want to make more pvpers play the campaign. There also is a reason most of the pvpers left, and that is we cant play for the campaign anymore. That is my oppinion anyway. But I know I am far from alone. I belive at a faction lock with some kind of population regulation would revive pvp in this game and bring back alot of the oldtimer pvpers.

    Most PVPers left because crap performance from the servers and devs who gave literally no care to pvp for about 4 years.
  • Ormtunge
    Ixtyr wrote: »

    Because faction locks used to exist and essentially accomplished nothing. The game lack the population to support enough servers to justify such a system, and even if it had that population, faction swapping isn't near the problem players wish it to be.

    Zenimax has taken the stance that faction locking prevents people from playing with their friends, and that isn't healthy, so they want to allow you to play whichever server and alliance you so choose.

    Whining incessantly like children accomplishes nothing. If you're unhappy with the state of the map when you're playing, stop making excuses for why everything is stacked against you and join and/or start a guild or group to do something about it. The only people who complain about faction swapping are those who are blatantly out-of-touch with what's happening across each alliance, lack the skill or group support to accomplish anything on their own, or both.

    Oh come on:):) U accuse all the players not agreeing with u for whining?:):) That is like hearing a child arguing. And than saying that everyone that is against u are " those who are blatantly out-of-touch with what's happening across each alliance, lack the skill or group support to accomplish anything on their own, or both". If it wasnt so sad it would be funny (it still is kinda tragicomical). My self and many other pvpers who want faction lock back (preferably with some kind of population lock) used to lead groups and try to fight for the campaign, but it really is impossible on the current system. Both because of switching to the leading faction atm (in contrary to so many say, that they only change to the underdog:), and because we have such an incredible high amount of trolls that steal scroll and just make the inviroment toxic for everyone else. But why shoudnt they? They are loyal to no one and dont fight for any campaignl, but just farm AP and troll. For me that is not pvp.
  • Toc de Malsvi
    Toc de Malsvi
    Ormtunge wrote: »

    Oh come on:):) U accuse all the players not agreeing with u for whining?:):) That is like hearing a child arguing. And than saying that everyone that is against u are " those who are blatantly out-of-touch with what's happening across each alliance, lack the skill or group support to accomplish anything on their own, or both". If it wasnt so sad it would be funny (it still is kinda tragicomical). My self and many other pvpers who want faction lock back (preferably with some kind of population lock) used to lead groups and try to fight for the campaign, but it really is impossible on the current system. Both because of switching to the leading faction atm (in contrary to so many say, that they only change to the underdog:), and because we have such an incredible high amount of trolls that steal scroll and just make the inviroment toxic for everyone else. But why shoudnt they? They are loyal to no one and dont fight for any campaignl, but just farm AP and troll. For me that is not pvp.

    I think its worse than even your description. There are plenty of trolls that do nothing to contribute to any faction and often actively hurt the faction their on by arbitrarily choosing to ignore key objectives.

    Worse still are players that faction hop to "find good fights", but always remain loyal to their original home faction. They always ensure they control emp and campaign score, they hop take half the map then hop back and take it back for their own side.

    The problem with faction hopping is that it allows an overpopulated alliance to keep alliance involvement up while not losing players due to excessively long que times. Meaning they are pop capped while the other two are low, no worries just faction hop for an hour or so and fight your own members that were in que but now are in cyrodiil. All the while making sure the off alliance never gains anything of significance or real traction, and hop back if numbers begin to even out. This way the overpopulated alliance mitigates its longer que times.

    What players often don't realize is so many of those horrible trolls on ones own alliance are really players from the strongest alliance who are only there because they know their alliance will win and they want to have "good fights". They quite literally don't want the alliance they are on to succeed, as soon as the alliance they are on begins to gain momentum they will log.

    I have seen far too many yellow "zergs" on xbox get to Arrius then completely disappear from the map, while the red emp is not in cyrodiil and the reds have all the scrolls. I have played in Cyrodiil actively since xbox release, there has always been one campaign that dominated population and that campaign was never so lopsided as the current dominate population campaign is. Sure people got gated for an hour or so, but it simply didn't last even with faction locks. Now alliances still get gated, but they suffer from the illusion that the resurgence is actually their own factions success and not faction hoppers just alleviating population issues from the dominant faction.

    TLDR: Removing faction locks didn't fix the problems with one faction largely controlling the map, they made it worse by alleviating the que times for the dominating faction and allowing players who just want to troll to go play for their less favorite faction.
    Legendary Archer of Valenwood
    Bosmer Dragon Knight Archer. XBox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Nightblade Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Sorcerer Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Warden Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Templar's are evil..
  • Minno
    I want to see noclip through toons removed first before faction locks lol.

    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • zyk
    idk wrote: »
    We had faction locks before and nothing if real significance has changed as a result of it being removed.
    That's because there was *always* a loophole.

    There is no correct answer on this. It's purely a matter of preference. But I think what ZOS should take away from threads like this is that there are problems related to faction composition and competitive parity that need to be addressed. I think they can address those things without a faction lock.
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