Hello all, in preparation to the summer expansion I'd like to find out the general preference towards the upcoming Necromancers summoning ability. From what I've gathered, the Necromancer has two summoning abilities, Summon Skeletal Mage and Summon Skeletal Mender and these are currently supposed to be limited duration buffs like the Wardens Betty Netch, Blue Betty and Bull Netch as opposed to permanent pets like the Sorcerers Unstable Familiar and Summon Winged Twilight as well as the Wardens Feral Guardian. What is your preferred duration for these two skills ?
[Necromancer] Summon Skeletal Mage / Mender - Buff or permanent Pet, your preference ? 39 votes
10s duration - make it a SHORT duration buff, shorter than the Wardens Betty Netch
30s duration - make it a MODERATE duration buff, like the Wardens Betty Netch
60s duration - make it a LONG duration buff, longer than the Wardens Betty Netch
permanent - make it a pet like the Sorcerers Unstable Familiar and Summon Winged Twilight
other - feel free to specify