Why does the daily timer have to be on a timer? I want to do the Morrowind event at my own leisure and time of my choice. But I can't if I want to earn the event tickets because they are on a timer, which means I have to wait until the time I did it yesterday for it to count for the tickets.
Why on Nirn would they do this!? I know it's an old problem but it's annoyed me more than usual this time around. Make them reset like the writ daily!!!!!!! How hard can it be???
They are not on timer. it resets everyday, at the same hour. 7 am CET. You can do it at whatever time between 7 am to 7 am. You can even complete two tickets at 6:50 am and another two at 7:10 am, few minutes difference
No they are not - they are tied to the daily quests (Hall of Justice) & only those quests
Maybe that is what confused me, if they are only for the 2 quests in the hall of justice. I could of done some of the other morrowind dailies not from there first. *shrug*