kylewwefan wrote: »I’m Back to working on Flawless Conquer with two toons now; Stamina Nightblade and Magic Warden.
What is working really well for me on the Warden is and has been Breton wearing 5 Necropotence, 5 Winterborn, Iceheart Monster Set, Maelstrom Icestaff Backbar w/ standard Absorb Magic Enchant, Winterborn Ice Staff Front Bar w/ Frost Damage Enchant. Both staves infused.
I use the Apprentice Mundus stone for extra spell damage, and one of my jewelry piece is Infused. All Jewelry is Spell Damage enchants. It puts me right around 2950 Spell Damage, 48k max magic with Clockwork Citrus Filet Gold food.
Magic sustain is incredible, the extra health recovery is nice. I don’t get top tier damage (28k), but this setup is very enjoyable for me to play.
Bar setup is
Front: Screaming Cliff Racer, Deep Fissure, Blue Betty Netch, Bird of Prey, Inner Light, Ult Northern Storm
Back: Wallof Elements, Winters Revenge, Fetcher Infection, Expansive Frost Cloak, Living Trellis, Ult Northern Storm
I had inner light on the backbar as well, but swapped it out for trellis and I right like having that on there now. It does make my max magic ping pong around bar swapping but it doesn’t seem to affect the gameplay.
I’ve tried going the fire route keeping Necro but swapping Burning Spell Weave and Spell Strategist. Didn’t work as well for me. Spell strat was actually quite terrible. I found Siroria to be gadawful as well.
I don’t have any Destro Staff Passives on the front bar, but that’s going to change next patch, I’m so excited! Oh and Bretons are gonna have even better has me wandering why? My sustain is really good. Well, For Maelstrom anyways.
If I could ask for a little advice; do you think it would be worth changing any other jewelry traits? I don’t have a shield slotted, So the max magic is all about damage and perhaps sustain. Unless it changes the size of Iceheart s shield. I dont know?
I’m very close to getting Flawless now. Gotten through with as little as 2 deaths. So I don’t really want to change anything too major at this point and then have to re learn.
kylewwefan wrote: »
I think I really like the set for slows or snares more so than damage really. I majorly helps bring things down to a reasonable pace.
i think you would get better results with lover mundus.
stevenyaub16_ESO wrote: »Another Winterborn Icewarden here!
Argonian, 450cp. I use the same setup, Iceheart, winterborn, but with julianos (for heavy chest/legs and higher iceheart uptime)
I also parse 28k, winterborn dealing 6% of my damage :O Iceheart also does 5% but ofcourse this is only if i stand close enough (which doesn't happen often) and the shield has to hold (which also doesn't happen often). Skoria does 5-6% which is a better option, but I like to keep to the theme and the iceheart isn't completely terrible due to the 833 crit you get and awesome survivability.
Now I also changed winterborn to nercropotence, and the parse results were.... exactly the same. between 27,5k and 28.5k
I have yet to try necropotence instead of julianos.... But I plan to change it to icy conjurer from the Wrathstone DLC. ICE ICE BABY!
If you want to up your dps switch to bear ultimate.
I run:
Blockade, Winters, Netch, Inner light, Birds of prey(or channeled acceleration). Bear/ice comet.
Divers, Fissure, Fletcher, Inner Light, Birds of prey. Bear/northern storm
You don't need healing or tanky spells because, Iceheart gives you shield, and your divers will heal you.
My rotation is:
1. blockade>winters
2. fissure>fletcher>diver>fissure>diver>diver(only on first go around)
3. blockade
4. fissure>diver>fletcher>fissure
5. Winters>blockade>netch
6. go back to step 2.
I hope to do 30k+ once I get closer to 810cp and thats all I need to do vet trials. I don't care for meta, screw the meta. The difference is small and skill>build in this game.
I know you prob lost 3-4k dps for not being optimal but the utility aoe frost provides is awesome. minor maim, aoe slow and root. It's just awesome and fun. Ignore the haters.
stevenyaub16_ESO wrote: »edited my rotation because it was wrong.
but yea i prob lose a bit, but its fun as hell. and its nice being different. And my DD is my secondary role mostly used in 4man (I'm usually tank or healer with 64 in magicka)
I also use witchermother brew for this.
kylewwefan wrote: »Thanks for your comments! I have tried Julianos, Zaans, using the bear, etc; different variations have gotten more damage with a closer to meta setup. Master Architect/ Necro/ Zaans was about my highest damage.
The bear has been very annoying outside of dummy fighting. Though. Something is not right with this dude. He keeps resetting and running back in from offscreen.
Zaans is also about worthless in VMA. To me anyways. It procs on a target that was about dead all the time and then you need to wait another 20 second cooldown and now I have to slot a shield instead of Iceheart etc.
IceHeart fits the theme and is very useful. But you’re gonna lose about 3k DPS with it. Probably another 3k DPS using ice staves instead of fire. Then I’m also losing damage by having no Destro Staff skills on front bar, but that’s gonna change!
Back at it again with Julianos Siroria. This setup blows.
I’m going hard for Flawless this weekend. Gonna use Necro, Winterborn, Iceheart. It got me close before. Maybe this time I can get it done. Every time I change things around, it feels like I’m just wasting time and getting worse instead of better.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »Keep us posted if you can get your Flawless clears, @kylewwefan.
Would be a great accomplishment to add to a Frost Warden resume.
kylewwefan wrote: »Just a little update. I swapped out Necropotence for the Icy Conjurer Set from the new Frost Vault DLC. It’s pretty freaking good!
Using Winterborn, Icy Conjurer, and Iceheart with Maelstrom Ice Staff and Winterborn Ice Staff.
Slowing and snaring and maiming the enemy’s adds pretty good group utility IMO. I’m about to Gold this set out. It’s that good.