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Forum Brainstorm: NEW system to replace Champion Ranks

Just thought it would be interesting to see what people think. End game PvErs, RPers, PvPers, and casual players of the ESO forums...

How do you envision the future of the Champion System?

Forum Brainstorm: NEW system to replace Champion Ranks 60 votes

Let CP remain as is and continue by 30 points every month.
flintstonedcam86b14_ESOHidesFromSunMgghoolblkjagSaintSubwayyamir412Girl_Number8lokulincodestripperSylianweDuduck_III 12 votes
Rework the current system as:
zariaRavenSwornDarkmage1337Cillion3117GlaiceanaZeroXFFcolossalvoidsmd3788 8 votes
Remove the current system entirely and replace it with:
CireousTurelusdrallarAshamrayimrednecksonRebornV3xGrumpyDucklingdovakiin5574Ragnarock41JobooAGSjcm2606KewpieStarlockWa2pTiZzA93KhajiitFelixjoshc 17 votes
Remove the current system and do not replace it.
profundidob16_ESOLordTareqTommy83PraeficereSwiftnoodlepsychotic13Deep_01seibi_92ccfeelingBooPerScOOperMuSE_nr1FlaresBreakingBatsOgreShlong 14 votes
leandro.800ub17_ESONutshotzChunkyCatrusselmmendozaDBZVelenaZypheranArtim_Xkarekizrexagamemnon 9 votes
  • LordTareq
    Remove the current system and do not replace it.
    Remove it. It serves no function other than an artificial extra power-gap between new and veteran players & it complicates balancing. Also lag.
  • RebornV3x
    Remove the current system entirely and replace it with:
    Remove it and replace it with a system similar to Skyrim which you invest into individual skill lines and professions everything from blacksmithing, 2 handed, destruction, block.... Etc keep CP but give us all the CP to spend on what we want and make it an absurd amount of CP to even try and max a skill line with the right restrictions and caps they could make something unique and something that works.
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • GrumpyDuckling
    Remove the current system entirely and replace it with:
    Put a balanced percentage of the extra damage, defense, healing etc. that we currently get from CP into armor and weapons so PVE isn't thrown into whack.

    Use the champion trees for "flavor" like increased % chance to find certain items (would help to minimize grind) or increased money for selling items, or reduced cost for crafting items. These would be flavor things that have nothing or very little to do with combat mechanics.
  • Turelus
    Remove the current system entirely and replace it with:
    Veteran Ranks, but make them account wide like CP is.

    Or remove CP and keep it as a system similar to SWTOR's Legacy system where it's more about helpful QoL than combat stats.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Kewpie
    Remove the current system entirely and replace it with:
    I think they should add more interesting passives, chance for applying status effects as example, passives that boost your class skills and makes builds more unique. That will be very unbalanced but interesting!
  • md3788
    Rework the current system as:
    Keep raising it every DLC so people have their sense of progression. Nerf the percentages, or require more points in each. They are just too strong as-is
    vFG1 HM
  • DocFrost72
    All good suggestions so far, having trouble picking myself.
  • leandro.800ub17_ESO
    Just nerf it a liitle, then allow players to use all the CP pool they have.
    Anyway most critical % boosts are already being used at 810 CP
  • SaintSubwayy
    Let CP remain as is and continue by 30 points every month.
    after seeming Orc and Altmer changes on PTS 4.3.2.....pls keep it as it is, untill they know what they are doing :joy:
    PC EU
    vAA HM / vHRC HM / vSO HM / vMoL HM / vHoF HM / vAS HM / vCR HM / vSS HM / vKA HM

    Flawless Conqueror / Immortal Redeemer / Dawnbringer / Griphon Heart / Master Angler / Spirit Slayer

  • rexagamemnon
    I will leave the decision to replace or keep the co system to those with more expertise on the subject. I personally dont care either way. But if i could choose i would have just removed the co cap and let it all go to anarchy 😂
  • dovakiin5574
    Remove the current system entirely and replace it with:
    Skyrim type points system
    PAPSMEAR - Positively Against Paws SMEAR campaign - Say YES to crown crates
  • Wa2p
    Remove the current system entirely and replace it with:
    For give the vagueness of this it's late, I hope it makes sense -- you can spec into certain paths, ie: backstories, where you can sort of balance out a characters weaknesses -- making a typical mag race a decent (not tops) stam class, at a cost of course, with soft caps. So investing your stam character into x amount of stam recovery will do nothing but your mag character will have some more. allowing for more hybrid style builds. No they wouldn't be the best, but they'd be okay; QoL things, interesting passives such as windrunning or faster harvesting, or going invisible for two seconds after murdering something with a heavy attack (for some reason.).

    I'd really just like to see backstories in some form implemented so if I have a character I imagine was a pirate, they can get some kind of relevant boost. Or someone who trained under a Telvanni Master Wizard. Just little perks, nothing majorly game breaking, just cool little features.
  • Starlock
    Remove the current system entirely and replace it with:
    I'd like to see more opportunities for specialization and abilities that impact the game outside of combat. Put another way, I would like to see the system be better at helping define who our characters are.

    One thing I've noticed as I've been designing characters is that I generally like having one of their sets have some sort of exciting process effect. The flavor of these really help define my characters - my lightning mage just wouldn't be the same without Thunderbug's Carapace electrocuting warriors who dare to strike him with a blade. I wish effects like this were tied to the character rather than to item sets. Giving characters the ability to select innate process effects would be an amazing and welcome addition to the game.

    That said, I recognize this is a very big shift in terms of game design. It would likely represent a bigger overhaul to the game than the conversion from VR to CP ever was.
  • Nutshotz
    I give up. They couldn't fix the game if their company depends on it. They'd rather have the company go belly up before fixing eso!?
    Edited by Nutshotz on February 7, 2019 8:53PM
  • Ragnarock41
    Remove the current system entirely and replace it with:
    Replace it with another account wide system that actually gives you some QoL buffs and PvE related buffs. The no-CP versus CP difference in PvP must end, it complicates balancing for items, sets, abilities and mechanics.

    Obviously to make sure Its not a nerffest, compensate everyone with raw stat buffs, and possibly retune the PvE content to fit better.

    This will also make sure older content doesn't get ridicilously easier after a while.(The state of vMA and vDSA as of right now is a prime example of how easy things have gotten because of power creep, and the 30 minute 1v1s in CP Campaign surely doesn't serve a fun combat experience either.)

    Its better to take the power away from this ''progression'' system and give it back to our characters, abilities, passives,weapons. This endless cycle of nerfing characters to make room for CP must end.
    Edited by Ragnarock41 on February 7, 2019 8:56PM
  • russelmmendoza
    Max cp by 3600 now.
    1200 to each.
    All cp bonus active.
  • DocFrost72
    I think I would rule out (personally) getting rid of the system and not replacing it.

    Leaving the current system isn't my favorite option either. I don't feel real progression each patch, it's more just "plug my new 30 points in".

    I like the idea of a single player esque tree, but I'd prefer no combat bonuses come out of it.

    I think the hardest part will be making a system that stays relevant years later, and can continue to make characters feel unique.
  •  Jules
    Put a balanced percentage of the extra damage, defense, healing etc. that we currently get from CP into armor and weapons so PVE isn't thrown into whack.

    Use the champion trees for "flavor" like increased % chance to find certain items (would help to minimize grind) or increased money for selling items, or reduced cost for crafting items. These would be flavor things that have nothing or very little to do with combat mechanics.


    IGN- @Juies || Youtube || Twitch
    EP - Julianos . Jules . Family Jules . Jules of Misrule. Joy
    DC - Julsie . Jules . Jukes . Jojuji . Juliet . Jaded
    AD - Juice . Jubaited . Joules . Julmanji . Julogy . Jubroni . Ju Jitsu

    Rest in Peace G & Yi
    Viva La Aristocracy
  • Squidgaurd
    Cap it at 500 for pvp.
  • karekiz
    Guys. I highly doubt they will flat out remove CP since they are literally matching Food, 5 set bonus, racials, etc to CP bonuses.

    Would be a waste of time, and if they wanted to flat out remove CP and not put something on a similar power level they would simply remove it rather than tie a bunch of stats to it then have to work out removing that a year later.
  • Sylianwe
    Let CP remain as is and continue by 30 points every month.
    I am quite fond of the current system and would rather keep it as it is, mainly because I just started to thoroughly work with it.

    That being said, continuing by 30 points a month might become problematic for higher levels.

    Perhaps a system can be worked out where the current system remains yet gets updated with different perks and higher levels can still get champion points to spend?

    In any case, I voted for option 1 as it is the closest to my personal experience.
    Edited by Sylianwe on March 20, 2021 8:38PM
    The mind is a walled garden, even death can not touch the flowers blooming there 🌹
  • ChunkyCat
    If we’re “brainstorming”, why do we only have a few options to choose from?

    I choose the Pokémon option
  • amir412
    Let CP remain as is and continue by 30 points every month.
    Dont touch the champion point system, pepole who are bad at the game just looking for excuses and blame the CP system.
    Dont like CP? whitdraw all ur points from it if u feel PVE content is too easy for u.
    Dont like CP pvp? Go Sotha Sill or BGS, end of story.
    PC | EU | AD | "@Saidden"| 1700 CP|
  • Zypheran
    I think the CP system is awesome. I have never spent so many years at any game before because usually the progression stops after maybe a year. But ESO's CP system has allowed me continue to progress my characters every year. And to those that claim CP is responsible for power creep, I say nonsense! The difference in power between 500 and 800 CP doesn't account for that much power.
    I would suggest to leave CP as it is but cap it at a nice round figure like 900. Then introduce a new progression system after 900 CP that offers no combat power but gives QoL benefits. Every 50 CP you get to choose an additional perk.
    You could even tie rewards to it and do things like unlock costumes or houses that you get at specific milestones after 900 CP. This would continue to encourage progression without adding combat power. But at the same time, wouldn't diminish the power accumulated by players who have put in so much time already into this game.
    On a separate note/rant, it really bugs me when I see people who recently started this game look at the long road ahead to max CP and demand that road be made shorter or removed completely!
    All my housing builds are available on YouTube
    I am happy to share the EHT save files for most of my builds.
  • RavenSworn
    Rework the current system as:
    Here's my thoughts on this:

    First, increase the base levels to 70. Take away the stats increase from the cp system and imbue it into the increased 20 lvls. This will alleviate the loss of stats with this rework.

    Next, cap the cp points gain to around 520 points.

    Then, allow only one tree to be active once a point has been allocated in it. This will allow cp specialization of characters. So for eg, a tank, with 520 points into the warrior tree will have mitigation as their specialization. Another tank, with 520 points into the thief tree will have sustain spec instead.

    Why this though? A character has 3 distinct aspects to their customization; skill bar, gear and cp. Both gear and skill bar have their role specific setup. Putting a limit on the cp choices gives a meaningful consequential choice for the player.

    There are definitely caveats to this rework, mainly gear would now play a more prominent role.

    Let me set an example:-

    With this system as a tank, I can now use Ebon + Alkosh + Lord Warden with a more dps oriented tank skill bar with a sustain cp to ensure I'm able to stay in the fight.

    As a healer, I can choose with having a better damage output with mage tree unlocked and the gear sets set to a more sustain option like Lich or Seducer.

    With this rework, you can put in the spellcrafting system together with the new cp system. Allow for points to still be gained but no longer affect cp stats. Points gain now can be put into spellcrafting options within the tree. Say for eg, 50 points past the cap in the warrior tree will change the warden bear to be an armored bear. Or perhaps 50 points into the thief tree will change the Atronach to an Air Atronach. Maybe 50 points into the Mage tree will change the night blade shades to be shadow clannfear.
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
  • Girl_Number8
    Let CP remain as is and continue by 30 points every month.
    Keep as is but add a new constellation for Qol buffs such as crafting, fishing, etc. :)

    There is also the possibility of adding another new constellation to really create diversity for builds. To keep things interesting in the game with theory crafting, creating fun playstyles rather then the lackluster state of the game as it is now. This is a big part of the game for many players and is enjoyable. :)
  • DBZVelena
    Cap CP at 160, let the values that each point does reflect that you only get 160 of em. this way you cant max out everything. You have to choose.

    As for "progression" put in a reward system for achievement points.
    We already get those achievement points and sure you can get rewards from certain achievements. but there's no overall reward. This could be added, and sure it can be dye colors, titles, outfits and such. nothing that contributes to power creep. But so wanted for players wanting their toon be "shiny" and "pretty".
    This does require separating character achievements from account wide achievements.
    What are Natch Potes? Can you eat those?
    I believe in Genie-Gina.
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