neverending loading screens are back....

PC EU...can't get in the game at all...jsut endless loadingscreens..FYI

cant be bothered with this pos game anymore :/
  • ZOS_Bill
    The never ending load screen could be an add-on issue. Go ahead and uninstall your addons and try to log in again. To fully remove your add-ons, do the the following in this specific order:
    1. Exit the game
    2. Navigate to C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live in windows explorer
    3. Rename Addons to Addons.old
    4. Rename SavedVariables to SavedVariables.old
    5. Check in-game to see if the if the issues persist.

    If the issue does not persist, then one of your add-ons is creating the issue. Try re-enabling your preferred add-ons one-by-one in order to determine which is causing the problem.

    Changing game settings back to default can also help If the issue persists:
    1. Open the game and go to the settings menu [Esc].
    2. Go to each subsection, Social, Gameplay, etc. and reset all settings to defaults.
    3. Once this is done, try starting the game again.

    If after resetting to default and clearing your add-ons and the issue continues, turn off your PC completely, reboot your router and try again.
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