Hey guys
This is a fanmade rework of NB class in perspective from my experience as a NB doing BGs in PvP and tanking in PvE
Issue list:
*Perma claoking (as fun as it is to do; its just as unfun to play against)
*Cloaking should be more usefull in teamfights.
*Unable to prebuff mandatory major brutallity/sorcery through class skills
*lack of tank utility
*lack of selfheal as magicka NB
*Grim focus should be made more inline with the NB playstyle
*Something to bring to the table in organized PvP group play
Proposed skill solution:
Shadow Cloak
*Costs 950ish magicka, if used again within 6sec it costs a stacking 600% more
Gain stealth for 3sec next attack have 100% crit / when in group dungeon or trial this skill instead gives 20% block amount for 3sec
1st morph:
*cost magicka, stealth crit bonus / block stay the same
gain 300stamina every 1sec for 7sec and major brutallity for 20sec
2nd morph:
*cost stamina instead of magicka, stealth crit bonus / block stay the same
gain 300magicka every 1sec for 7sec and major sorcery for 20sec
Path of darkness moved to siphoning skill line instead of siphoning strikes; siphoning strikes moves to shadow skill line and is reworked/named to "night lotus"
Night lotus:
*Gain a heal over time for 33sec
1st morph:
*instead gain a % based heal over 3sec (same as the old dark cloak)
2nd morph:
*heals you when the effect expires in proportion to the length its been active (same as rally but for magicka)
Grim focus:
*passively gives minor berserk when slottet. Cloak gives 1 charge of grim focus lasting 7sec (maximum 1charge)
Consuming Darkness rework:
*base skill only gives major protection to yourself
1st morph:
*enemys in the area are taunted while they stay within the area, but area is reduced to 4m
2nd morph:
*area is increased to 10m, no longer slows and now also restore up to 11 allies, in the area, primary resource pools based exponentially
on your maximum health. Lower health values(30k) gives no resources.
Drain power reworked to (insert OP name):
*Costs high resource
Throw a dagger to each side of you for x# damage if both daggers hits you siphon x# damage every 1sec from them while they remain
close. Both beams break if one breaks.
1st morph:
*converted to stamina and deal physical damage.
2nd morph:
*when this skill is slottet, dualwield light and heavy attacks scale with magicka and deal magic damage and heavy attacks restore
magicka instead of stamina
*Permaclaoking should come at a severe cost of dueling power. With my proposal you would require 3pieces of infused jewelry with 3
reduced skill cost glyph to make it free. And i feel that if cloaking is reduced it would allow for the improved cloak i suggest further
Cloaking should be more usefull in teamfights:
*Its hard to get you cloaked veiled strike off in teamfights when there are so much aoe in this game. So my proposal is to make cloak
supress damage coming from things like hurricane, wall of elements, etc. With perma cloaking reduced it wouldnt be overpowered to
have fewer but more reliable cloaks.
Unable to prebuff major brutallity/sorcery:
*It feels bad that a NB cant buff up before a fight. As a stamina build it feels "okay" becouse you can use two-hander (i wish it wasnt a
requirement), but with magicka you ruin the whole element of surprise by casting entropy.
Lack of tank utility:
*I love playing my NB tank but its hard to get a spot in groups when you lack so much utility, but with extra on demand block amount to
tank hits + a strong ultimate only a NB can provide it would give a good reason to bring atleast 1 NB tank.
Furthermore the resource giving ultimate "2nd morph of consuming darkness" would push a NB tank away from the dps
gear(alkosh/torug) other tanks use, so the NB tank would play out totally different, because you need the perfect ratio between max
HP/ultimate generation.
Lack of selfheal usable while stealthed for magicka NB:
*NBs are all about the element of surprise so it feels so bad to use restoration staff skills because they pull you out of stealth. I want to
cloak -> heal -> engage again, like you can do with rally
Grim focus should be made more inline with the NB playstyle:
*I feel like it would play much better if it were more inline with the NB playstyle. When you break stealth with the stun, thats when you
need the damage!... not 5light attacks later. With perma cloaking reduced other classes would be able to see the NB aproaching so they
could block the NB, opener from stealth, adding valuable counterplay.
Something to bring to the table in organized PvP group play:
*drain power rework should help NB with spreading clumping groups of oppenents with strong tether they want to break by running in
oppesite direction, giving the NB a chance to solo down one of them before they can clump up again.
So my dream is fewer but more reliable cloaks, on demand mandatory buffs, a can opener to counter PvP groups and a raid spot as a health-battery-tank
Thanks for reading! Im looking for feedback, so feel free to discuss