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Beginner Tank / Healer options (requesting guidance)

Hi folks, so after a long lay off from the game I'm jumping between some new alts and some older parked alts (mid 30s) that I used way back when.

What I seem to be stuck on is picking a main to run with. I'm interesting in tanking and/or healing and need to really try both in dungeons before deciding which is for me. Also enjoy dungeons and standard PvE fare while I will like to dip in to PvP now and again for a change of pace.

I'm never going to play top end with scheduled times etc so class myself as casual due to IRL commitments and so on (read: life!)

With those things in mind, i'd appreciate thoughts on the following:

My old main and mid 30's. Currently Magika build destro/resto and was intending to be a healer. I think all classes can heal/tank but also assume a healer would really need to be a magika build and as a templar to tank would likely be a stamina build (if I wanted heavy armour and traditional S&B). Would I be right to assume I couldnt really be proficient in both, even for mild level content and I'd really need to dedicate to one or the other? Seems and obvious question I know! Or perhaps, level resto staff and class skills with S&B on other bar with class skills and then respec once I have a try at dungeons?

An alt I'm leveling so far and the intention was to make him a tank. Again I'm somewhat hesitating to commit time to him only to discover I'm not keen on the tanking style. Also for leveling I've been doing S&B + 2H to gather tanking skills and taunt while still being able to DPS. Of course you get some skill choices and Ive started putting them in to things I think will benefit as a tank but this naturally blunts the dps ability. As you can run dungeons early on I figured I'd need tanking ability. Or, would it be seen as better to concentrate on DPS to level, run DPS in dungeons to learn them and expect the higher leveled players to be tanking while I lack the dungeon info, gear and skills etc?

I'm assuming as I'm unlikely to play top end that either class will be able to do "ok" in either role but that I really need to lean to tank or heal early on?

Thanks for any input.
  • zvavi
    at level fourty something reward you get attribute and skill reset scrolls, you can decide till then, and then again, you could always reset attributes and skill points for gold.
  • zvavi
    also i know a main tank which is doing endgame on her templar tank, while my healer is dk, and it did survive vHRC pretty easily. so you know, any class any role, some classes are better for it, but still.
  • UntrustedExistenz
    Hello, I can have few words for you :)

    First of all you need to answer a question: what you really want from this game and what playstyle your prefer? If you are a casual player and just want to have fun I have great info for you. This game (on early lvl) will allow you to complete normal dungeons even if you are tank/heal hybrid (which I had back in my days on my magplar). So, In normal dungeon your templar with sword and shield/ resto staff will be great (but it needs practice) and don't scare to experiment (normal dungeons before 50 lvl are really easy).
    Later on, your role NEED to be decided but, as post above said u can reroll attributes and skills so np with that.

    From about two weeks I run normal dungeons with 3 friends (2 newbies and 1 player with huge break). We have templar tank, warden heal, dk and sorc dps and you know what? It makes huge fun to test our skills and we are efficient enough to end it quite quickly. Up to this day we haven't died even once in normal dung.
    This is what eso really is. A game which give you so much ways to create your char, that creating it is a challenge itself.

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  • Dorrin
    Thanks for the replies, appreciate it. As suggested I'll try dungeons as tank and heal with what I have a see which role I'm comfortable with before committing later.
  • ghastley
    Although both healer and tank specialize in skills other than damage dealing, it doesn't mean that they don't do any. The amount they need to do in their endgame roles is quite sufficient for solo play while they build up their skills. Pay a bit of attention to which bar is active when completing quests, and they can use one set of skills, while still levelling up another.

    You should have a target set of abilities to aim for, but those reset scrolls will let you move the skill points around. I'd wait until "graduation" - reaching level 50 - and do a re-evaluation of the Champion Points at the same time. That's the point where you can acquire equipment sets for the long haul, and it's quite a step up for each character after your first, who still has to grind up from CP10 to CP160.
  • zvavi
    ghastley wrote: »
    Although both healer and tank specialize in skills other than damage dealing, it doesn't mean that they don't do any. The amount they need to do in their endgame roles is quite sufficient for solo play while they build up their skills.

    healer, maybe. tank? low damage...
  • ghastley
    zvavi wrote: »
    ghastley wrote: »
    Although both healer and tank specialize in skills other than damage dealing, it doesn't mean that they don't do any. The amount they need to do in their endgame roles is quite sufficient for solo play while they build up their skills.

    healer, maybe. tank? low damage...

    I'd say slow damage. As long as the mob doesn't regenerate health, a tank can afford to take longer. And slotting a higher-damage skill while levelling up won't hurt you later.
  • Dorrin
    Thanks again folks. One other thing actually, how many pieces are armour are needed to gain skill points? Im trying to wear a mix at the moment and only light (which I have more of) is leveling.

  • zvavi
    You gain skill points from levels/skyshards/quests/pvp/group bosses.

    If you mean experience in the armor type, the more armor of it you wear the faster it will go up with the experience you gain. To unlock the skill line in your skill chart you need to wear 3 of the armor type at the same time (skill line still levels up even if you didn't unlock it)
  • Streega
    Templars are excellent healers, also good as a healer/tank hybrid. DKs are the best tanks, but also good DPS. Personally, I run as tanky (off-tank) healer on my Breton Templar and main tank or off-tank DPS on my Orc DK. Both have two sets of gear, changing when required - AlphaGear addon is very useful for this, you can "transform" to any role with one button, between the fights ;)
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