Mount not working

Logged in today to find my mount's not working. Pressing H does nothing. I don't get any error messages. I've checked my key bindings that's fine. Checked active mount. I change mount that didn't fix it. I've logged out/in, and exited game and rerun it - nothing. Tried /stuck, /reloadui - nothing. Haven't had this prob before. Every time I login or change zones my weapon gets drawn, though I didn't press the mouse button. When I press H the weapon is put away, but no mount appears.
  • ZOS_Bill
    To resolve the issue of your mount not working, we recommend either disabling or removing add-ons and see if you can mount afterwards.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • antmck2011rwb17_ESO
    I already tried that - didn't work.

    Actually I've since fixed this. I noticed that my werewolf skills were active even though I wasn't in werewolf form. Every time I tried use slotted skill I got a message saying I needed to be in werewolf form. I could use any of my non-werewolf attach skills. I had no ultimate as I just used that. I had to attack anything (only with the mouse button as skills didn't work) just to build up ultimate. Then I shifted and everything was fine again. Was I shifted back everything was normal. H worked again, as well as skills.
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