Protossyder wrote: »In order to get ready for more challenging content I would suggest to run normal Cloudrest first. That's where you will get Relequen, an essential set for stamina DDs.
Next you should do normal Hel Ra Citadel to farm the Berserking Warrior set. This can take a while since you need at least two daggers for your front bar, but you can also wear Briarheart in the meantime.
For the backbar it's recommended to have a Maelstrom Bow slotted, so you might want to take a look into the Maelstrom Arena.
For more information regarding the current meta just use google.
bharathitman wrote: »Protossyder wrote: »In order to get ready for more challenging content I would suggest to run normal Cloudrest first. That's where you will get Relequen, an essential set for stamina DDs.
Next you should do normal Hel Ra Citadel to farm the Berserking Warrior set. This can take a while since you need at least two daggers for your front bar, but you can also wear Briarheart in the meantime.
For the backbar it's recommended to have a Maelstrom Bow slotted, so you might want to take a look into the Maelstrom Arena.
For more information regarding the current meta just use google.
So many stam DD's farm and run Relequen without even understanding the set properly. The only info they have is that it is BiS, normal cloudrest is easy which makes farming this set very easy. Relequen is useless in trash fights, useless in 4 man content where most bosses are dead before you could get full stacks, useless if there are heavy mechanics in boss fights, useless if you are constantly switching targets. Relequen is only useful in few end game trial boss fights and only the most experienced players can make full use it.
I have seem so many stam players using the set where it doesn't even make sense to do say, you are much better off with sets like hundings in most of the scenarios
bharathitman wrote: »Protossyder wrote: »In order to get ready for more challenging content I would suggest to run normal Cloudrest first. That's where you will get Relequen, an essential set for stamina DDs.
Next you should do normal Hel Ra Citadel to farm the Berserking Warrior set. This can take a while since you need at least two daggers for your front bar, but you can also wear Briarheart in the meantime.
For the backbar it's recommended to have a Maelstrom Bow slotted, so you might want to take a look into the Maelstrom Arena.
For more information regarding the current meta just use google.
So many stam DD's farm and run Relequen without even understanding the set properly. The only info they have is that it is BiS, normal cloudrest is easy which makes farming this set very easy. Relequen is useless in trash fights, useless in 4 man content where most bosses are dead before you could get full stacks, useless if there are heavy mechanics in boss fights, useless if you are constantly switching targets. Relequen is only useful in few end game trial boss fights and only the most experienced players can make full use it.
I have seem so many stam players using the set where it doesn't even make sense to do say, you are much better off with sets like hundings in most of the scenarios