Trying to figure out some math with armor penetration and how much hammers/mauls can actually contribute? Would love some help from more experienced players and theory crafters. Not even really sure if all my math is right from what information I have been able to gather. I have been told that the maces passive gets figured in after all the debuffs, of course if this is wrong, then it would provide 3640 penetration a lot of the time, which I think would be good. Which honestly if this passive could be changed to a good solid number that would probably be best.
Base Armor : 18,200 (so with no debuffs on the enemy, single mace would give 1,820 pen, dual/2h would give 3640)
Subtracting the group debuffs from the enemy armor.
Major Fracture: -5280
Minor Fracture: -1320
Infused Torug Crusher: -2740
Alkosh: -3010
Would leave the enemy with 5,850 Armor (Single mace = 585 penetration, dual/2h = 1170)
So before base, buffs, and cp, the enemy would be at 5,265 (single) or 4,680 (DW/2H) armor.
Base Penetration +100 which would lower the amount of penetration a stamina character needs to 5165 / 4580.
if you have Divine Lover's (+4196), you would need 10 / 4 points in piercing CP to be slightly over cap.
if Sharpened +1376/+2752, you would need between 20 - 44 points in piercing CP to hit the cap, depending on which combination of single mace, dual/2h, single sharpened or two.
Twice-Fanged would need 9 / 3 points in piercing.
Of course combinations of the buffs are also possible. But I am wondering at what point would maces be better than swords? It would seem in a solo setting or pvp, they would probably be ahead. But I don't think 1170 penetration would be as good as 5% extra damage? Or would the ability to save some Champion Points and allocate them differently make a difference? or the ability to pick different traits on your armor/weapons, or a different mundus?
Anyone have any insight/maths/information that would help, other than "sword good"?
Side Note: Against an armored pc in PvP a 2h mace could provide up to 6,620 penetration.