Can Frost Staff DPS?

If I skip the trifocus skills to not taunt on heavy, can Frost staff be used for DPS? PvE
Pact Bloodwraith
  • ArchMikem
    Can you defeat things? Sure of course. Can you defeat them quickly? No. Not at all. Not outside overland mobs anyway. But hey good job paying attention to not using Tri Focus, that alone will earn you brownie points as a Frost user.
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - Khajiiti Aficionado - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Vaerth
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Can you defeat things? Sure of course. Can you defeat them quickly? No. Not at all. Not outside overland mobs anyway. But hey good job paying attention to not using Tri Focus, that alone will earn you brownie points as a Frost user.


    I usually go Stamina personally but wanted to try Magicka if I could DPS with Frost on a Magden. I just do know care for a fire or lightning staff to much, just personal preference lol.
    Pact Bloodwraith
  • Joosef_Kivikilpi
    Icy Conjurer + Winterborn + Iceheart. Enemies shatter. You're welcome.
  • MartiniDaniels
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Can you defeat things? Sure of course. Can you defeat them quickly? No. Not at all. Not outside overland mobs anyway. But hey good job paying attention to not using Tri Focus, that alone will earn you brownie points as a Frost user.

    Come on, what will be dps difference between frost and inferno staff? 10%?
  • ArchMikem
    Vaerth wrote: »


    I usually go Stamina personally but wanted to try Magicka if I could DPS with Frost on a Magden. I just do know care for a fire or lightning staff to much, just personal preference lol.

    Dont get me wrong you can do it, and its fun, you just wont be pulling great numbers. I have an Ice Mage MagDen and i love it, but ZOS didnt design the Frost Staff for dps.
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - Khajiiti Aficionado - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Varana
    It can.
    It will miss out on the damage boosts from the fire/lightning aspects of Ancient Knowledge, and better use a Warden for the Piercing Cold passive.
    So it won't be as good as a fire or lightning staff but you can use it.
  • InvictusApollo
    UJse your frost magden for pvp. Freezing ppl is a viable strategy.
  • Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Hortator Indoril Nerevar
  • Mattock_Romulus
    Does a bear doo-doo in a restroom?
  • BrokenGameMechanics
    Yes for all non-DLC content, even on Vet. Overland you can even solo most stuff, including Bosses. You can run non-Vet vMA pretty easy as well. DLC non-Vet is doable. I've done both as a Frost Tank and also as DPS. Low 20K-ish or more DPS is very achievable on a non-frills build with trash pots without requiring hours of rotation practice.

    And before anyone says too low, too low. You can do better than that. Also keep in mind a large amount of this DPS is AOE AND you are literally CCing the ENTIRE room of ads and just melting them and the other three members of the dungeon run can just stand and watch if they want. Most likely the other DPS is going to be a traditional single target DPS so you are actually making a fairly balanced party. Won't break any timed run records but you'll actually make things easier with all the AOE CC'ing. Also remember there are passives everywhere that boost damage on immobilized targets, plus you are inflicting Minor Main on EVERYTHING as well with Chilled and Charged. Since much of your damage is steading ticing DOTS you don't need a frenetic rotation and you can even squeeze in some group buff skills as well.

    Go for it.

    Edited by BrokenGameMechanics on February 3, 2019 9:28PM
  • Khivas_Carrick
    ArchMikem wrote: »

    Dont get me wrong you can do it, and its fun, you just wont be pulling great numbers. I have an Ice Mage MagDen and i love it, but ZOS didnt design the Frost Staff for dps.

    Which is stupid imho. Fire and Lightning should be just as tank viable as Frost and Frost should be just as DPS viable as Fire and Lightning.

    There has to be a way to make that happen lol
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • validifyedneb18_ESO
    I run Magden with winterborn, Iceheart, Mothers Sorrow in a PVP setup. With a bit of optimization, Necropotence instead of winterborn and Zaans instead of Iceheart, should be able to hold 30k dps.

    Hold 22k dps solo ST atm, frost staff both bars. Winterborn is near worthless for DD, as is iceheart, and I dont use Wall of Elements on offbar to hold an enchantment proccing from offbar too. So fixing that there's tonnes of space to get more damage.

    Edit: Its important to have enough magic regen with this. You will not be able to heavy attack anything other than small trash for resource gain. I use 1 infused regen ring, Blue betty, Altmer racial, Witchmothers and Elemental Drain for no-healer sustain. But a healer feeding resources and buffs it should be easier. You could also use a mag drain enchant on offbar which would help considerably (Again, my build is for PVP, I make little to no use of my offbar)
    Edited by validifyedneb18_ESO on February 3, 2019 9:55PM
    EU: Magden, Magknight, Stamsorc(*2), Magsorc
    NA: Magplar, Magden, PotatoBlade
  • JordanSharp
    I have to admit I enjoyed playing my frost warden with Ysgramor? (Can't remember if it's that set, adds frost damage) + Winterborn + Iceheart. Never used it for any vet content but for normal and overland I enjoyed it.
  • Varana
    You will not be able to heavy attack anything other than small trash for resource gain.
    He said he would not use the TriFocus passive, so heavy attacking should not taunt.
  • T3hasiangod
    Yes, it can do enough DPS to get by most content in the game, even vet trials.

    Here is the most memeworthy ice mage Warden build that I came up with pulling just over 33k on a solo parse.

    I would not recommend bringing this to something like vet DLC trials, but 33k on a solo parse is fine for content up to vMaw, vAS + 0/1, and vCR + 0/1.
    PC/NA - Mayflower, Hellfire Dominion

    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer - Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor - Voice of Reason - Gryphon Heart - The Unchained - Extinguisher of Flames

    Tank - Healer - DPS (all classes, all specs)

    Youtube - Twitch
  • Chaos2088
    Frost staff should have a rework into a proper destruction staff like the other two. Simples.
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • ESO_Nightingale
    I see people have already answered the question.

    If any of you want help with building something or just talking about it, feel free to join the frost discord. The link is in my signature just below.

    We'd love to have more people. At the time of writing we have 96 members.
    Edited by ESO_Nightingale on February 4, 2019 12:54AM
    PvE Frost Warden Main and teacher. Come Join the ESO Frost Discord to discuss everything frost!:
  • Vaerth
    Does a bear doo-doo in a restroom?

    This might be the first time I looked for a dislike button on the ESO forums...
    Pact Bloodwraith
  • Vaerth
    I see people have already answered the question.

    If any of you want help with building something or just talking about it, feel free to join the frost discord. The link is in my signature just below.

    We'd love to have more people. At the time of writing we have 96 members.

    Uh, thanks?

    Not really needing a dedicated group of Frost loving people. I do like Frost over Flame and Shock attacks. But, I just went Stamina Sorc in the end because Frost is lacking quite a bit, to me at least.
    Pact Bloodwraith
  • validifyedneb18_ESO
    Vaerth wrote: »

    Uh, thanks?

    Not really needing a dedicated group of Frost loving people. I do like Frost over Flame and Shock attacks. But, I just went Stamina Sorc in the end because Frost is lacking quite a bit, to me at least.

    oof... choosing stamsorc because the alternative "is lacking quite a bit"
    EU: Magden, Magknight, Stamsorc(*2), Magsorc
    NA: Magplar, Magden, PotatoBlade
  • starkerealm
    Vaerth wrote: »
    If I skip the trifocus skills to not taunt on heavy, can Frost staff be used for DPS? PvE

    In the most technical sense, yes. But, the results will be underwhelming. It will also negatively impact your other bar, assuming it's a destro staff.

    Ice Staves shine in PvP, but in PvE they're extremely niche to the point that I wouldn't recommend one unless you just want a theme build and don't care about performance.
  • Zathras
    Yes for all non-DLC content, even on Vet. Overland you can even solo most stuff, including Bosses. You can run non-Vet vMA pretty easy as well. DLC non-Vet is doable. I've done both as a Frost Tank and also as DPS. Low 20K-ish or more DPS is very achievable on a non-frills build with trash pots without requiring hours of rotation practice.

    And before anyone says too low, too low. You can do better than that. Also keep in mind a large amount of this DPS is AOE AND you are literally CCing the ENTIRE room of ads and just melting them and the other three members of the dungeon run can just stand and watch if they want. Most likely the other DPS is going to be a traditional single target DPS so you are actually making a fairly balanced party. Won't break any timed run records but you'll actually make things easier with all the AOE CC'ing. Also remember there are passives everywhere that boost damage on immobilized targets, plus you are inflicting Minor Main on EVERYTHING as well with Chilled and Charged. Since much of your damage is steading ticing DOTS you don't need a frenetic rotation and you can even squeeze in some group buff skills as well.

    Go for it.

    Great post. I gave you an awesome.

    A lot of people overlook/ignore/aren't aware of what an Ice Warden brings to a group. When you consider what their strengths are, they are quite useful and rather fun.
    For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen. - Douglas Adams

    It is a rare mind indeed that can render the hitherto non-existent blindingly obvious. The cry 'I could have thought of that' is a very popular and misleading one, for the fact is that they didn't, and a very significant and revealing fact it is too. - Douglas Adams
  • deleted201022-005645
    I tried a couple of meme-worthy ice parses just for the fun of it earlier this PTS patch. Ice is definitely viable, but also far from optimal.

    In my opinion if you can pull the numbers to run the content you want to do, and have fun at the same time, frost is definitely an option.


  • SoLooney
    Frost staff can do some dps, but its gonna be inferior to the single target damage and burn from flame staff and concussion/off balance and aoe damage from lightning staff

    But if you wanted to play with an ice staff casually, no ones stopping you
  • luen79rwb17_ESO
    My frost magden can easily hit 30k on dummy parses with master architect, winterborn and Iceheart.

    Switch winterborn and Iceheart with BIS gears and you definately have a decent frost based DD.

    V16 sorc - V16 temp - V16 dk - V1 nb - V1 temp - V1 dk
  • DKMaestro
    I tried a couple of meme-worthy ice parses just for the fun of it earlier this PTS patch. Ice is definitely viable, but also far from optimal.

    In my opinion if you can pull the numbers to run the content you want to do, and have fun at the same time, frost is definitely an option.



    ehhh lol?

    Far from optimal and you pull 45K? Frost is perfectly viable for 99.5% of all the content, and if you pull 45K DPS, I will venture a guess and say that pretty much any trial group will take you on.

    Frost has a lot of utility as well and really is under-used.

    If author wants to go full frost-dude, he will be just fine for any content. People need to calm their freckles..
    Old man playing. Have a life, a job and only one character, which is grumpy (all the time)
  • Vaerth
    DKMaestro wrote: »

    ehhh lol?

    Far from optimal and you pull 45K? Frost is perfectly viable for 99.5% of all the content, and if you pull 45K DPS, I will venture a guess and say that pretty much any trial group will take you on.

    Frost has a lot of utility as well and really is under-used.

    If author wants to go full frost-dude, he will be just fine for any content. People need to calm their freckles..

    You inspired me to make a Frost mage skipping TriFocus :)
    Edited by Vaerth on February 14, 2019 9:33PM
    Pact Bloodwraith
  • idk
    Frost staff always under performed even was made a tanking weapon. It has worked best in PvP due to the snare. Niche in pve and mostly for fun.
  • Sevn
    Vaerth wrote: »

    You inspired me to make a Frost mage skipping TriFocus :)

    Frost mages can be awesome. You should never let naysayers stop you from even trying it for yourself as I'd wager many of them have not. That happens a lot around here.

    Excellent posts by Brokengamemechanics and DKMaestro.
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
  • Wildberryjack
    If Frost could be on equal footing to Lightening and Fire ZOS that would be nice. I'd much rather play with ice than fire or lightening.
    The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~Pablo Picasso
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