Would be nice if they added some vampire-specific content, since werewolves have had the Werewolf Lord Polymorph and an entire Dungeon DLC with motifs and furnishings and a house dedicated to them
On that note, the clothes on the WWL poly are amazing and it would be awesome to see something like that for vampires, but I still wish we could use that as a costume without our characters turning into a scowling furball In the meantime, we have to make do with the outfit system, like the example posted by @Aliyavana above.
Royal Vampire armor by @aliyavana (skyrim) guest @Renosence
Chest, light ebony or medium ebony
legs, light celestial,
belt, orc rank 1 medium
boots, light grim harle,
gloves, light assassins league
shoulders, male light ebony, female medium telvanni
Inspired and improved on @crazydunm3r idea