Some like CP in PvP, and some do not. We know it affects lag in the game. I do think there should be some kind of progression in the levels for PvP, however. I think that’s the main barrier to people adopting the less laggy non-CP campaigns – no ability to further shape their characters in a meaningful way. So I propose the following change to PvP progression:
Champion Points would be completely disabled in PvP. For each Alliance Level (up to 50), the player would receive a single percentage point to add to the stat of their choice: Health, Stamina, Magicka, and their respective recovery stats. For each of the stats that is improved to 10%, the player would also unlock a secondary passive chosen by the player.
Health: At 10% improvement, the player would unlock Effective Armor, increasing the amount of Physical Resistance by 10%, or Shield Boost, increasing the effectiveness of non-armor shields by 10%.
Health Recovery: At 10% improvement, the player would unlock Quick Recovery, increasing the amount of Healing Received by 10%, or Parry, decreasing Damage Received by 10%.
Stamina: At 10% improvement, the player would unlock Mortal Blow, increasing Damage Done by 10%, or Piercing, increasing Physical Penetration by 10%.
Stamina Recovery: At 10% improvement, the player would unlock Nimble, decreasing the cost of Block and Dodge/Roll by 15%, or Second Wind, decreasing the cost of Stamina abilities by 5%.
Magicka: At 10% improvement, the player would unlock Spell Block, increasing the amount of Spell Resistance by 10%, or Spell Erosion, increasing Spell Penetration by 10%.
Magicka Recovery: At 10% improvement, the player would unlock Blessed, increasing the amount of Healing Done by 10%, or Magicka Pool, decreasing the cost of Magicka abilities by 5%.
Additionally, if the player chooses to distribute 30 percentage points onto 3 different stats equally, the percentage points on the player’s highest stat would double in value. Adding any further percentage points to that stat, however, would negate the doubling.
Of course the player could choose to add all percentage points to one stat (giving them 50% more of their chosen stat) or divide them how they wished. But doing so would forfeit the other passives. And, yes, Grand Overlords would be more powerful. They should be.
Been there, got the Molag Bal polymorph.