ChuckBbaguette wrote: »I am present and I have the proofs with all the names
ChuckBbaguette wrote: »94/5000
a zos come and tell me I'm a liar a mythomaniac and I leave after the explanations
ChuckBbaguette wrote: »vesselwiththepestle wrote: »Everybody knows gold / real world currency exchange is happening in MMOs. So what are you telling that's new? If you know someone who is selling gold for euros you can report him, because it's against the terms of this game.
If you are using google translator please post both your mother tongue and the translation, so those of us who speak french are able to understand what you are saying.vesselwiththepestle wrote: »Everybody knows gold / real world currency exchange is happening in MMOs. So what are you telling that's new? If you know someone who is selling gold for euros you can report him, because it's against the terms of this game.
If you are using google translator please post both your mother tongue and the translation, so those of us who speak french are able to understand what you are saying.
that's right.unfortunately we arrived in already speak English and we were eating ***.if for you the corruption is normal I have nothing to do here.
ChuckBbaguette wrote: »I am waiting for a comment that contradicts the allegations
ChuckBbaguette wrote: »it does not work at all 1975 and not suitable for want to think intelligence one becomes slightly has been
ChuckBbaguette wrote: »as if it were said that you slaughtered 40 million Indians..
ChuckBbaguette wrote: »I am waiting for a comment that contradicts the allegations
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