So having recently abandoned 900 cp, 11 fully leveled characters and moderate wealth to return to my old PC account, I didnt realize how much i preferred the console UI over the PC ui. But let me explain..
I am specifically talking about the UI elements while playing - the hotbars, font size, resource bars and layout. I find them FAR more clean than the default PC counterparts. Now im fully aware of gamepad mode but that is frankly inadequate for a handful of reasons, when using M/KB. I am wondering if anyone who is mod savvy can shed some light on how difficult it would be to create a mod for this.
Now just to be clear
Azurah addon - Not what im looking for. All this does is allow you to rescale the pc ui and rearrange the various UI elements. It is impossible to use this addon to get the PC ui to match the clarity of the console ui as they use completely different assets.
QuickSlot - When using gamepad mode i realized that due to how its coded, you cant use the mouse to cycle through the wheel as you can with the PC ui. Greyminds quickslot bar is not an option.
Other Ui elements - The entirety of the pc ui outside of this is fine. Inventory, character sheet, etc etc is all perfectly fine. I just want the console hot bar which has superior ability bar icons and ultimate display, superior resource bar visuals, party frames and compass as well as better font and text.
Would it be complicated to make an addon for such a simple swap out?

Edited by exeeter702 on January 31, 2019 6:21PM