I've been farming City of Ash since Tuesday, (it is now thursday) and have yet to see any one hander of any type of Sunderflame weapon to drop. In fact, the only Sunderflame weapon to drop is The Bow of the Deadlands.
I have farmed with guildies, and when I started feeling bad for taking up all thier time, I've farmed solo. Going on 4 days, and no one, either myself or any of my party, has seen a drop...from chests or the boss.
In this time, I and my guild have had 7 BSW inferno staffs drop.
I understand RNG is a thing, but something seems broken here. I'm talking about farming from 7 a.m. to 8 or 9 p.m. for 4 days...no drops.
Do these things even exsist, or is there some bug with the loot table?
Frustrated af in City of Ash
Edit: posting here as well, in case there happens to actually be a bug with the loot table.