Ever seance i started playing ESO i wanted to make a place where i could help players. so i created merchantandmercs. We are a 5k per week trading guild. BUT offer much more to our members, Host pve and pvp events, dungeons, helpful officers, crafters, guild hall, crafting house with every station and every mundane stone, etc.
My overall goal is to have a decent trader, and unfortunately i cant afford the coast on my own anymore. We have recently made the switch to 5k per week and have had success no one disagreed with the choice i had to make to better my guild.
Ill answer any question i receive from the guild, I AM ONE OF YOU, I try to help as many players as possible, teach players how to make tons of gold, run dungeons with guild members, help make gear for anyone, ect. our community is growing come be apart of it. Everyone you ask will tell you the good and bad, how I am as a leader of my guild, and i expect them to, I don't put up with ignorance of any kind, disrespecting the ladies will get you dropped like a hot potato, and not paying your dues will simply get you dropped to unpaid with no access to our trader for the week. We only kick members that have been inactive for 30 days or broke house rules, any questions asked me directly.
How to get an invite to merchantandmercs, Send me a message on psn, Next_Mr_Big. Please don't send me in game mail request because chances are my mail box is full. if you don't get a invite within 24 hours please understand that i try to get to everyone as soon as possible, we have a waiting list set up for when we reach 500 members again.