Anyway, they also have a reasonable lore explanation as to why their pets aren't permanent: they mentioned that since necromancy isn't an exact science and involves decaying corpses, the animated constructs aren't very durable and will expire after some time. Guess our PC necros can't be as pro as Mannimarco and his rezzed minions that survive for centuries lol.
Man, this game really hates us pet users.
Pet AI is very limited. We have to double-bar them. We can't even control them properly with direct orders or different behavioural base settings such as "passive". We can't directly monitor their health.
Man, this game really hates us pet users.
Pet AI is very limited. We have to double-bar them. We can't even control them properly with direct orders or different behavioural base settings such as "passive". We can't directly monitor their health.
Sounds like a good list of reasons to not give necros permanent pets.
Nemesis7884 wrote: »Isnt it a bit weird that of all classes the necro is the one who doesnt get a persistent pet - ultimate or not? I wonder if it just didnt fit their concept or if they came to the conclusion after warden balancing pets might be more hassle than they are worth? I also wonder if and which of the necros summon skills actually count as pets with regards to sets - or none at all...
Nemesis7884 wrote: »To me gw2 still has by far the best pet system
Nemesis7884 wrote: »Isnt it a bit weird that of all classes the necro is the one who doesnt get a persistent pet - ultimate or not? I wonder if it just didnt fit their concept or if they came to the conclusion after warden balancing pets might be more hassle than they are worth? I also wonder if and which of the necros summon skills actually count as pets with regards to sets - or none at all...
They've already said that necromancy isn't a perfect art so that's why the Summons are temporary