Need Help with StamBlade

Hey guys so I’m newer to eso and I’m only cp 459. I’m looking for a good battleground build and non cp Cyrodiil build. I currently am running 5 sprigs 5 bone 2 troll king. 5 medium 2 heavy. Front bar 2H sprigs greatsword I have ambush rally surprise relentless and mass hysteria uncap. back bar master bow cloak vigor poison inject shuffle and leeching and dawn breaker. I just feel sometime I’m not bursting people down. Running 3 weapon dmg on jewelry. Any advice? Gear wise or skill wise open to anything. Even combos.
  • MickeyBN
    “Newer to eso”...cp459 is not new. I feel like you bought your account off someone.
    Vaelerys Nightborn - Bosmer Nightblade PC NA
  • Thanatos_inside
    just stop playing with bow
  • JTorus
    just stop playing with bow

  • Minalan
    Here's an actual video of a top tier stamblade playing, I hope this helps you improve your game:

    Edited by Minalan on January 30, 2019 6:53PM
  • SwatReap3r
    Lol I’m new to stamblade. I only played dragon knight. So you guys have no advice? Like about combos and stuff. Please.
  • Nellzer
    Minalan wrote: »
    Here's an actual video of a top tier stamblade playing, I hope this helps you improve your game:


    I believe you're describing Warden with that GIF.
  • JTorus
    SwatReap3r wrote: »
    Lol I’m new to stamblade. I only played dragon knight. So you guys have no advice? Like about combos and stuff. Please.

    How do you want to play your class?
  • SwatReap3r
    I want to be able to burst people down when I focus them but sustain. I think my set up is good but just don’t know how to combo the skills together to do it. Or if I need a finisher.
  • jaws343
    That is a pretty solid setup tbh. You could always swap out Bone Pirate for shackle if you want a bit more mag and weapon damage. But that combo of sets is effective.

    As a personal choice, I like to run cloak on my front bar. Makes it easier to weave into an attack for a crit and it makes it easier to escape if laggy situations or in the middle of an attack combo when needed. But mostly, your bar setups are the same as mine. You could drop shuffle though and run forward momentum over rally. I like to back bar caltrops for BGs. The AOE damage is pretty solid for a defensive position.

    As far as an execute goes. You can really go either way. On my current build, I dropped ambush to run both killer's blade and relentless. (Running killer's blade since my current setup includes Axiom and Shackle). But with relentless you can get away with running just relentless and no execute.

    However, I am increasingly finding relentless to be very unreliable. Often, when it is needed most it isn't available and the minimal threshold of low health is healed through before I can get off a few more light attacks. Which is why I switched to running it and an execute.
  • SwatReap3r
    I like the cloak on front bar as well. But i want to use a finisher and I wouldn’t know what else to drop.

    I’ve heard eternal hunt and bone pirate as well. But I wouldn’t obviously be able to run a 5 piece because of masters bow. It would have to interchange with my 2H and then it would only be active on my two hand bar. Don’t know if that’s a problem or not.

    Also what combo do you usually do with your set up. Like how do you engage a fight first abilities after buffing up
  • jaws343
    For the cloak front bar, you can swap fear to your back bar.

    I personally like to actually use cloak offensively. I weave it in with an Incap and my execute. On particularly difficult opponents, when I swap to my back bar to hit with poison arrow, I also hit with fear, bar swap into cloak and incap. But honestly, no rotation or combo holds up in combat. And you have to be fluid depending on the enemy you are facing. More often than not, your combo is getting interrupted by a need to dodge roll and heal up. Or you waste an incap because you get put into execute range and need to regroup.
  • JTorus
    SwatReap3r wrote: »
    I want to be able to burst people down when I focus them but sustain. I think my set up is good but just don’t know how to combo the skills together to do it. Or if I need a finisher.

    Lure your opponent into making a mistake, and/or catch them off guard. Don't chase them, fight on your terms, on ground you feel comfortable, and can use to your advantage. Ensure you catch them off guard, confuse them. Plan your fight out in your head before you even make your first move. Nightblades are not a class designed for a fair fight.

    Often you're just going to run into players you just can't burst down. That doesn't mean you can't defeat them. Sometimes you have to just kite them, annoy them, and get them to exhaust themselves before you can go in for the kill when you feel comfortable.

    Nighblades have a lot of mobility, there's no shame in taunting your opponent(s) to chase you mindlessly and give your
    teammates an opportunity tear into them.

    As for combos? *shrug* you can always youtube other stamblades and see what they're doing. There's some amazing ones out there. But there is no guarantee those tactics will work for you.
  • SwatReap3r
    Appreciate the help man. And as far as eternal hunt and bone pirate? Is it any good? And should I be running 7 piece medium? Right now I have 5 pc med 2 pc heavy. I’m running troll king. I could do bspawn.
  • SwatReap3r
    Only reason I like ambush is becaue it closes the gap. So I kinda don’t want to take it off.
  • jaws343
    I have tried eternal hunt, but the offensive roll dodge just wasn't my playstyle. So I am not the best to speak to its effectiveness. (Now I did manage to put together an interesting roll dodge build using it and Senche, and running the fear trap morph. It was interesting, and you could drop a minefield around a player.)

    5/2 or 6/1 is probably going to be the best choice, unless you are running a pure roll dodge or cloak build. The added mitigation and HA passive from running 1 or 2 pieces are pretty useful.
  • jaime1982
    Be ready for tbags when your gank fails or you die trying to cloak away.
  • jaws343
    jaime1982 wrote: »
    Be ready for tbags when your gank fails or you die trying to cloak away.

    If this were a gank build, Bone Pirate would not be a set that I would recommend running.
  • ArgonianAustin
    I run a weird annoying build, it consists of some normal sets (shackle breaker, bone pirate, blood spawn.)
    Nirnhoned on bow and maul. Tri-stat glyphs on armor. 3 protective on jewelry and a drink (500 mag and stam recovery).

    My front bar is Ambush, rally, fear, surprise Atk, killers blade.
    Bow is Draining shot, relentless, vigor, shuffle, cloak.

    What's annoying with this build for others is that it has 1650 magicka recovery. You can pretty much perma cloak and it has 3k stamina recovery. You will never get a "good fight" with this build. Only curse words with hate about your stealthing.
    Just a Lizard Man that plays ESO with my twin brother khajiit_kyle
  • Mr_Walker
    I've had success in BGs with using cloak as a gap closer, followed up by Surprise Attack and Blood Craze. You'd be amazed how many people don't run pots and how hard this hits.

    Spriggans + Viper + Velidreth.

    Oh, and I run a full PvE setup, full divines. He's squishy as hell, and I'd sooner have the damage output than Impen, because, well, even with Impen, still squishy. Like an overripe tomato.

    But if you can get in first....

    Edited by Mr_Walker on February 1, 2019 9:17AM
  • Vanzen
    Shackle/Sload/Domi/Molag/ Warrior Mundus

    Cloak on both bar ...

    Infinite sustain /Infinite cloaking / Proc/ 4k weapon dam/

    What more you want ?
  • mursie
    you aren't a "brawler" on a stamblade so your "sustain" is not a typical DK/Warden/Templar sustain that sits in fights moving from 1 opponent to the next. you move in and out of cloak waiting for your next timed kill using incap. incap at 70 ult is the entire focus of your burst. it is absolutely imperative that you land this skill - using fear a lot of times in order to do so.

    if you're sitting in the middle of a ball group fight on a stamblade then you won't have success.

    light attack / surprise attack weaves building assassin's bow and then using fear/incap/bow as a burst finisher is the combo and your build of bone/sprig is more than sufficient to accomplish this. patience is key on stamblade combat.
    twitter: @mursieftw
  • Druid40
    Minalan wrote: »
    Here's an actual video of a top tier stamblade playing, I hope this helps you improve your game:


    To be fair, that could be any class/build combo in PVP.
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