Maintenance for the week of October 28:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 28, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – October 30, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – October 30, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)

If you could create a new achievement in game then what would it consists of?

What type of achievement would it be? What audience would it be for? What kind of reward would it have with it?
  • 6point6b16_ESO
    Tasear wrote: »
    What type of achievement would it be? What audience would it be for? What kind of reward would it have with it?

    I would like one for the maintainance guys.. keep the servers to 1 hour downtime 5 weeks in a row and get the ingame archievement "Golden Networker"
  • Amphithoe
    "The Pacifist" Complete the main story without killing anything.
    Guildmaster: School of Julianos
  • ku5h
    Maybe something like a tracker for ground covered on foot. It could have 3-4 tiers, each giving a themed title.
    Last tier should be something absurd like 300+hrs of sprinting to achieve, something like Master Angler.
    At least it would make that in combat bug a little less annoying, right!?
  • Skwor
    Viewed 10 loading screens - Minor Nusiance
    Viewed 15 loading screens - Irritated
    Viewed 25 loading screens - Major Irritation
    Viewed 50 loading of screens - AFK
    Viewed 100 loading screens - I have no life
    Viewed 250 loading screen - Have you seen my poopbucket?
    Viewed 500 loading screens - This much time wasted, why didn't I go to college instead?
    Viewed 1000 loading screens - ya, I live in my Mom's basement and have not seen sunlight in 5 years.
  • codestripper
    Brothers and Sisters in Towels - Complete any normal trial with all group members wearing nordic bather's towels
    Lone Wolf - Complete all (soloable) base game veteran dungeons by yourself
    Overcompensation - Complete a normal trial with 10 or more max cp players
    The Masochist Conqueror - Complete veteran maelstrom arena with no CP allocated
    Scavenging victor - Complete veteran maelstrom arena using only gear picked up within the arena
    I Swear I Saw a Skyshard - fall off the edge of a trial
    Quest Madness - Run out of room to pick up more quests
    Since everyone seems to be doing this,
    DPS Builds:
    - Magicka Sorcerer (Pet) [Flawless Conqueror @ 565CP] - 582k
    - Magicka Nightblade [Flawless Conqueror @ 780CP] - 575k
    - Stamina Sorcerer [Flawless Conqueror @ 420CP] - 560k
    - Magicka Classless [Flawless Conqueror @ 810CP] - 540k
    - Magicka Templar [Stormproof] - 550k
    - Magicka Warden [Stormproof] - 510k
    - Stamina Templar [In Development]
    - Stamina DK [In Development]
    - Stamina NB [Under 50]
  • justinbarrett
    Brothers and Sisters in Towels - Complete any normal trial with all group members wearing nordic bather's towels
    Lone Wolf - Complete all (soloable) base game veteran dungeons by yourself
    Overcompensation - Complete a normal trial with 10 or more max cp players
    The Masochist Conqueror - Complete veteran maelstrom arena with no CP allocated
    Scavenging victor - Complete veteran maelstrom arena using only gear picked up within the arena
    I Swear I Saw a Skyshard - fall off the edge of a trial
    Quest Madness - Run out of room to pick up more quests

    Damn, I really like those.
  • Starlock
    I don't really care about "achievements" in video games, but some ideas (many of which would have multiple increments or tears with increasing point awards):

    Guild Achievements
    • Camaraderie - Join a guild
    • Guild Master - Create a guild
    • Up through the Ranks - Be promoted in a guild
    • Show your Colors - Purchase a guild tabbard
    • Fly the Banner - Claim a resource for a guild in Cyrodiil
    • Purveyor of Goods - Sell an item on a guild trader
    • Market Consumer - Purchase an item from a guild trader
    • Dues Paid - Deposit gold to a guild bank
    • Socialite - Hang out in guild chat for X hours

    • I'll Just Walk, Thanks - traverse X miles on foot
    • Marathoner - run X miles on foot
    • Public Transportation - use navigators to travel X times
    • A Trusty Steed - traverse X miles on a mount
    • Treasure Hunter - hunt down dig up X treasure map spots

    • Shock Therapist - eliminate X enemies with shock damage (aka, the special death animation triggers)
    • Chilled Out - eliminate X enemies with frost damage (aka, the special death animation triggers)
    • Pyromaniac - eliminate X enemies with fire damage (aka, the special death animation triggers)
    • Toxin Doctor - eliminate X enemies with poison damage (aka, the special death animation triggers)
    • Plague Bringer - eliminate X enemies with disease damage (aka, the special death animation triggers)
    • Process Corrected - recover X health from item set process effects
    • Process Collateral - eliminate X enemies with damage from item set process effects (aka, final blow only)
    • Process Barrier - negate X damage with damage shields from item set process effects
  • relentlessyouthofficialneb18_ESO
    Achievement unlocked: Played the game for two hours without having to /reloadui
  • rumple9
    Achievement for being able to log in after maintenance
  • kind_hero
    An achievement for bringing the horse to 60/60/60

    Also two for using persuasion and intimidate repeatedly, like 50 times.
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • Giraffon
    Clumsy - die X number of times via fall damage
    Insurmountable - die X number of times via fall damage while riding your mount
    Invasive Species - port to 100 homes you don't own
    Fishing Buddies - Catch 500 fish while in a group
    IRL - play over 2K hours

    Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
  • Kuramas9tails
    Title: "Crazy Cat Lady/Man"
    Content: Collect/purchase 5 or more non-combat cats

    I would wear the F out of that title on my characters.
      Your friendly neighborhood crazy cat lady of ESO
      New PSN name: SundariTheLast. Proud seller in RedEye Empire, PURPLE GANG and Backalley Trading.
      AD High Elf Mageblade DPS (General)(Former Empress) -- Stormproof/VMOL, VHOF, VDSA completion
      AD Khajiit Mageblade DPS -- Flawless Conquerer
    •  Czirne
      EU - succesfuly logged in EU server
      I believe in lagless Cyrodiil!
    • Sapphire_Lily
      Intrusive Bard: Someone plays music on the voice area chat.

    • CyberOnEso
      Achievement Hunter: Optain 95% of all the currently optainable achievements - changes accordingly each patch.
      Edited by CyberOnEso on January 28, 2019 7:10PM
      @CyberOnEso PC | EU - Jack of all Trades - Armory Style Manager Planesbreaker | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Immortal Redeemer | Tick Tock Tormentor | Gryphon Heart
    • Rake
      Logging into EU servers
    • Knootewoot
      Patience is a virtue: Be in a loading screen for 10 minutes.
      "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
    • Waynerx8
      Rake wrote: »
      Logging into EU servers

      Shows the state of the game after 5 years, when this is classed as an achievement.
    • karpok
      A weekplay without a bug -> Level 1Achievement
      A monthplay without a bug -> Level 2 achievement
      A yearly without (Now way I can't imagine that even in my craziest dreams)
      Soumar, Aldmeri Sorcer
    • Tapio75
      "Taking it slow"

      Counting steps you take in walk speed. When aproriate amount is fulled, you get an achievment.
      >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
    • Mintaka5
      A PvP exclusive achievement for not being a raging OP assshole for an entire campaign.
    • Nerftheforums
      Tbagging sorc healers 27 times before they respawn
    • Red_Feather
      Interrupting attacks that would have killed you if they landed.
    • Acrolas
      Dance with 500 individual crabs in each zone they inhabit.
      Title: Crustacean Choreographer
      Dye: Crabmeat Pink
      signing off
    • Tapio75
      Title: "Crazy Cat Lady/Man"
      Content: Collect/purchase 5 or more non-combat cats

      I would wear the F out of that title on my characters.

      >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
    • JPS

      5 consequitive queues in dungeon finder, without having it fail to form a group.
    • Rake
      Acrolas wrote: »
      Dance with 500 individual crabs in each zone they inhabit.
      Title: Crustacean Choreographer
      Dye: Crabmeat Pink

    • Cpt_Teemo
      Remove all separate cd timers of Hirelings / quests etc, and just use a global cd for dailies at the same time every day not all these random cool downs that were not worth the time to even implement.
    • zaria
      Managing to log into EU server.
      Grinding just make you go in circles.
      Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
    • Manniala
      2 Weeks of maintenance without more problem after the before.
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