codestripper wrote: »Brothers and Sisters in Towels - Complete any normal trial with all group members wearing nordic bather's towels
Lone Wolf - Complete all (soloable) base game veteran dungeons by yourself
Overcompensation - Complete a normal trial with 10 or more max cp players
The Masochist Conqueror - Complete veteran maelstrom arena with no CP allocated
Scavenging victor - Complete veteran maelstrom arena using only gear picked up within the arena
I Swear I Saw a Skyshard - fall off the edge of a trial
Quest Madness - Run out of room to pick up more quests
Kuramas9tails wrote: »Title: "Crazy Cat Lady/Man"
Content: Collect/purchase 5 or more non-combat cats
I would wear the F out of that title on my characters.