Coming back into this game was interesting. Been away for awhile due to the lack of stuff to do that isn't grinding. So I came back to do some of those fancy BGs. Gotta say, the first few games were fun as h**k with WW, Morkuldin, Maw, and Defiler. The amount of pets is hilarious and quite effective against all the bow spam. However, after a few more games, a noticed the unparaplled power of groups, and the understandable prevalence of them.This is where the issues start coming up.
While I understand BG queues would be longer if pre-mades were forced to be by themselves, but understand that team co-ordination is unmatched when facing randos. This is especially true if they have a dedicated healer that can stomp and ball up. Meeting new peeps is great and all, but I still want to play this game and not have to play games with it. While the other teams could group up and try to take on the pre-made, that would be just as unfair and probably against ToS. We could all get in Discord and form our own group to fight the pre-mades, but again, that would be just adding more fire.
So then, I ask: "Why not just separate the pre-mades or force them to go against higher caliber enemies?" The power of the team is basically equal to the power of an additional 2 people (imo), so the idea of placing added value to the pre-made's MMR is justified and wouldn't cause too much extra queue time. Seperating them would be ideal, but be the most fair.
I hope this helps shed some more light.
Down below is an image I had with randos in my team.
Yeetus that fetusYoutube:
Pandalius (Panda)Twitch: