Minitrials like AS or CR could be just one big quick time event, depending on who of your group fails it you will loose points or even you have to reset the trial (ie. Interupter fails the quick time event, group wipes. If less important roles fails the event you only loose some points or so)
In normal trials quick time events could be used to replace some old mechanics. Like MoL Twins, if color change happens you have to do a short quick time event to change groups, if you fail everyone near you will explode. A lot of old mechanics who are boring and old could be renewed and made more fun with some quick time events.
In PVP, 1v1 Battles could be completly replaced by quick time events. Player one starts with writing one small sentence and then player two has to repeat it as fast as possible (head on keyboard sentence arent allowed obviously, maybe that could be prevented by after player 2 did the qick time event, player 1 has to do it also), for large pvp action short quick time events could be used to check if certain skills are hitting or if you get stunned or can break free, etc, etc.
Quick time events could also be used for stuff like reviving dead people. Its sooo boring to press F for a few seconds. Why not let use do a nice quick time event in that time instead. If you are really fast with that you could be rewarded with shorter ress time. That could lead to certain people having the ress role in there group.
Same could go for good Synergies like the Atronach. If you want to get the synergie you cant just spam X. You have to do the quicktime event faster then everyone else to get it.
So overall quick time events could be used in many many cases and bring a lot of fun and new gameplay to the game.