Sabbathius wrote: »I voted Negative, at least the way they are now. Argonians took too much of a hit. Nords still lack a clear purpose. Imperials are also neither here nor there. And that's just to name a few. If this goes live as-is, we're pretty much guaranteed another "rebalance" in a year or two. I wish they would take their time, give it some serious thought, do this ONCE, let us have a free race change for a week, so we can fix out character lineup, and put this to rest. But it looks like the cycle will continue, and we'll be expected to fork over 3,500 crowns per character just so we don't end up with noncompetitive builds. Feels like a racket. Hence the negative vote.
@SabbathiusSabbathius wrote: »I voted Negative, at least the way they are now. Argonians took too much of a hit. Nords still lack a clear purpose. Imperials are also neither here nor there. And that's just to name a few. If this goes live as-is, we're pretty much guaranteed another "rebalance" in a year or two. I wish they would take their time, give it some serious thought, do this ONCE, let us have a free race change for a week, so we can fix out character lineup, and put this to rest. But it looks like the cycle will continue, and we'll be expected to fork over 3,500 crowns per character just so we don't end up with noncompetitive builds. Feels like a racket. Hence the negative vote.
I am really pleased with these changes.
After extensive hours of testing, speaking only about racial changes within the ranges of possibility, I would go as far as saying ZOS pulled off a freaking miracle here. Few optimizarions are possible here and there. I shared a full feedback here in
This patch would have been the perfect balance patch, with the race changes and sorcerer changes, only to be spoiled by two of the most broken sets I have heard of in a while, namely Curse Eater and Symphony of Blades. It almost seems that, there are two different groups of people in charge of balance, with the Skill balance for this patch as good as the Set balance team is bad.
Androconium wrote: »I uninstalled my game. It wont be easy for me to check this now.
I wonder if dunmer got 2k mag and 500-650 stam, would those who arent happy with the dunmer changes be happier?
Mudcrabber wrote: »I feel this has narrowed the gap between the races, especially for very min-maxed builds by switching to flat bonuses. Choosing the wrong race will be much less costly than it is now. The end-game differences are minimized, rather than amplified.
I think Khajiit got the best deal. They're now a hybrid race, but they compete with the best at both stamina and magicka. And they're now the only stealth race, and stealthier than before.
Bretons are back from the dead with their strong cost reduction.
Bosmer got a bad deal I think. They lost their stealth bonus, and instead get a roll-dodge speed bonus that kinda duplicates what you already get with bows.
My Argonian main's also getting nerfed all-around, and it's the last race I would have thought needed a nerf. But I can live with that if it means I can make a Khajiit magicka nekomancer.