GrumpyDuckling wrote: »Applying Major/Minor debuffs to Snares, Immobilizes, and Stuns would create consistency in their application and operation as counters to mobility buffs. The framework would look something like this:
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Major Impediment, reducing their movement speed by 70% for 4 seconds. This affect can be broken by cleanse, and has a 6 second cooldown.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Minor Impediment, reducing their movement speed by 50% for 4 seconds. This affect can be broken by cleanse, and has a 6 second cooldown.
Immobilizes*Note: Major Stupefy and Minor Stupefy share the same cooldown, and cannot be stacked on one another.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Major Stupefy, immobilizing them for 6 seconds. This effect can be broken by using roll dodge or cleanse, and has a 6 second cooldown.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Minor Stupefy, immobilizing them for 3 seconds. This effect can be broken by using roll dodge or cleanse, and has a 6 second cooldown.
Stuns*Note: Major Paralysis and Minor Paralysis share the same cooldown animation, and cannot be stacked on one another.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Major Paralysis, stunning them for 6 seconds. This effect can be broken by using break free, and has a 6 second cooldown.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Minor Paralysis, stunning them for 3 seconds. This effect can be broken by using break free, and has a 6 second cooldown.
correct me if im wrong, but are you saying these things should be in the game to counter mobility? because mobility isnt in a very good place right now, its the worst its ever been, i could be reading this wrong though
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »Snares, Immobilizes, and Stuns are now considered Major/Minor debuffs. This would create consistency in their application and operation, effectively creating immunity windows that mean when a player becomes snared or immobilized, they are immune to snare or immobilize for [x] seconds (the same way stun works).
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Major Impediment, reducing their movement speed by 30% for 4 seconds. This effect can be cleansed, and has a 6 second cooldown.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Minor Impediment, reducing their movement speed by 10% for 4 seconds. This effect can be cleansed, and has a 6 second cooldown.
Immobilizes*Note: Major Stupefy and Minor Stupefy share the same cooldown, and cannot be stacked on one another.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Major Stupefy, immobilizing them for 3 seconds. This effect can be broken by using roll dodge or cleansed, and has a 6 second cooldown.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Minor Stupefy, immobilizing them for 1.5 seconds. This effect can be broken by using roll dodge or cleansed, and has a 6 second cooldown.
Stuns*Note: Major Paralysis and Minor Paralysis share the same cooldown, and cannot be stacked on one another.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Major Paralysis, stunning them for 3 seconds. This effect can be broken by using break free, and has a 6 second cooldown.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Minor Paralysis, stunning them for 1.5 seconds. This effect can be broken by using break free, and has a 6 second cooldown.
This covers the framework for mobility debuffs, and the next step would be up to ZOS to determine which current skills/sets would apply the Major effects, and which skills/sets should apply the Minor effects.
Edit: Reworded for clarity
And when a stam player with max speed and damage charges at me in light armor, I should do nothing? Templar circle becomes worthless and so does the "house" idea? If they push changes like this then DK and Templar both need extreme changes.
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »Snares, Immobilizes, and Stuns are now considered Major/Minor debuffs. This would create consistency in their application and operation, effectively creating immunity windows that mean when a player becomes snared or immobilized, they are immune to snare or immobilize for [x] seconds (the same way stun works).
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Major Impediment, reducing their movement speed by 30% for 4 seconds. This effect can be cleansed, and has a 6 second cooldown.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Minor Impediment, reducing their movement speed by 10% for 4 seconds. This effect can be cleansed, and has a 6 second cooldown.
Immobilizes*Note: Major Stupefy and Minor Stupefy share the same cooldown, and cannot be stacked on one another.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Major Stupefy, immobilizing them for 3 seconds. This effect can be broken by using roll dodge or cleansed, and has a 6 second cooldown.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Minor Stupefy, immobilizing them for 1.5 seconds. This effect can be broken by using roll dodge or cleansed, and has a 6 second cooldown.
Stuns*Note: Major Paralysis and Minor Paralysis share the same cooldown, and cannot be stacked on one another.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Major Paralysis, stunning them for 3 seconds. This effect can be broken by using break free, and has a 6 second cooldown.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Minor Paralysis, stunning them for 1.5 seconds. This effect can be broken by using break free, and has a 6 second cooldown.
This covers the framework for mobility debuffs, and the next step would be up to ZOS to determine which current skills/sets would apply the Major effects, and which skills/sets should apply the Minor effects.
Edit: Reworded for clarity
And when a stam player with max speed and damage charges at me in light armor, I should do nothing? Templar circle becomes worthless and so does the "house" idea? If they push changes like this then DK and Templar both need extreme changes.
lueckgenb16_ESO wrote: »And when a stam player with max speed and damage charges at me in light armor, I should do nothing? Templar circle becomes worthless and so does the "house" idea? If they push changes like this then DK and Templar both need extreme changes.
You should equip for things like this. And if you are in light armor in the frontline without friends defending you, you made a mistake. Im sorry to say that and I don't wanna stomp on you or something, but your issue has nothing to do with the movement problems this game has at the moment.
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »Snares, Immobilizes, and Stuns are now considered Major/Minor debuffs. This would create consistency in their application and operation, effectively creating immunity windows that mean when a player becomes snared or immobilized, they are immune to snare or immobilize for [x] seconds (the same way stun works).
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Major Impediment, reducing their movement speed by 30% for 4 seconds. This effect can be cleansed, and has a 6 second cooldown.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Minor Impediment, reducing their movement speed by 10% for 4 seconds. This effect can be cleansed, and has a 6 second cooldown.
Immobilizes*Note: Major Stupefy and Minor Stupefy share the same cooldown, and cannot be stacked on one another.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Major Stupefy, immobilizing them for 3 seconds. This effect can be broken by using roll dodge or cleansed, and has a 6 second cooldown.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Minor Stupefy, immobilizing them for 1.5 seconds. This effect can be broken by using roll dodge or cleansed, and has a 6 second cooldown.
Stuns*Note: Major Paralysis and Minor Paralysis share the same cooldown, and cannot be stacked on one another.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Major Paralysis, stunning them for 3 seconds. This effect can be broken by using break free, and has a 6 second cooldown.
- [x skill/set] afflicts the enemy with Minor Paralysis, stunning them for 1.5 seconds. This effect can be broken by using break free, and has a 6 second cooldown.
This covers the framework for mobility debuffs, and the next step would be up to ZOS to determine which current skills/sets would apply the Major effects, and which skills/sets should apply the Minor effects.
Edit: Reworded for clarity
And when a stam player with max speed and damage charges at me in light armor, I should do nothing? Templar circle becomes worthless and so does the "house" idea? If they push changes like this then DK and Templar both need extreme changes.
you should kill him because he has given up so much to be able to have max speed, accessory traits, mundas, race, potion, gear sets
dont quite understand why you would do nothing, this comment didnt really make sense, its kind of hinting your a complete glass cannon which in that case you burst him by the time he reaches you
You're funny. That dismissal is equivalent to me saying your movement problems have nothing to do with me because you can slot heavy and simply walk as slow as you want until you gap close. Now you can pretend that's not the case, but considering I do that on my stam chars, I'm pretty certain that's a "counter" to the snare meta. The changes he propose would buff max resist stam builds stacking damage even more.
lueckgenb16_ESO wrote: »Player is recieving a first snare: ability works for x seconds
Player is recieving a second snare within like 5 seconds after the first snare wore off: ability works for x-50% seconds
Player is recieving a third snare within like 5 seconds after the second snare wore off: ability works for x-75% seconds
Player is recieving a fourth snare within like 5 seconds after the third snare wore off: ability works for x-100% seconds
So now the player is immune to snares for 5 seconds wich automatically leads to a new "first snare".
Same could work with stuns, immobilize etc.
Means that you guarantee that a player is not outplayed just by spamming cc.
lueckgenb16_ESO wrote: »You're funny. That dismissal is equivalent to me saying your movement problems have nothing to do with me because you can slot heavy and simply walk as slow as you want until you gap close. Now you can pretend that's not the case, but considering I do that on my stam chars, I'm pretty certain that's a "counter" to the snare meta. The changes he propose would buff max resist stam builds stacking damage even more.
Dude when I talk about movement problems I don't rate anything (class,stam,mag,etc.) above the other. With movement I'm taking everything in. I don't want stam to roll over mag and vice versa. Just saying that pointing out ONE specific problem won't help. I'm not saying "your problem has nothing to do with me" im saying "your problem has nothing to do with the overall problem of the game". That's a difference! I neither want a ranged char get f-ed because of these issues nor a melee.
And still: If you are in light armor on open field alone and get in melee range you should be in trouble. You should snare a melee at range and then get tf away. I see your problem but its just too specific. I feel we need more global changes.
Snares are applied to easily atm. and chain-snares/roots are really bad for gameplay overall. That's why I stated the changes:lueckgenb16_ESO wrote: »Player is recieving a first snare: ability works for x seconds
Player is recieving a second snare within like 5 seconds after the first snare wore off: ability works for x-50% seconds
Player is recieving a third snare within like 5 seconds after the second snare wore off: ability works for x-75% seconds
Player is recieving a fourth snare within like 5 seconds after the third snare wore off: ability works for x-100% seconds
So now the player is immune to snares for 5 seconds wich automatically leads to a new "first snare".
Same could work with stuns, immobilize etc.
Means that you guarantee that a player is not outplayed just by spamming cc.
I just want the stupid ball groups to stop and end the full time snare or root thing. I neither want the super-speed on a character to happen, but atleast they did adress it in the last patch. Global improvements to movement over all? I don't see a vision here or anywhere atm.
lueckgenb16_ESO wrote: »Okay man I won't discuss this with you anymore because you don't seem to get it. You seem to be going on cherry picking on things you don't like but thats not what I try to do here.
And by the way Templars and Wardens are not known to be in a bad place in pvp right now (especially the mag versions).
You probably don't even read patch notes and the incoming nerf to rapid assault regarding ball groups (whitch is good) or new sets that are coming.
I don't want to quote everything I think is wrong with your statements. I made my point. You made yours. Let's go on on with this discussion. #nohate
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »
Afflicts the enemy with Major Stupefy, immobilizing them for 3 seconds. This effect can be broken by using roll dodge or cleansed, and has a 6 second cooldown.
lueckgenb16_ESO wrote: »I play in PvP:
Mag Templar
Stam Templar
Mag DK
Mag Warden
Stam Warden
Stam NB
Mag Sorc
It's funny how these forums always have someone trying to school others. You can't really do that if you only seek to buff your linear playstyle and have never bothered with any other kinds.
It's also funny how people always accomplish to misread posts if they really want to.
And yes, it seems you only care about yourself. You disqualify yourself man.
But snares already have a major/minor; highest overrides lowest and can't stack lol. And speed gives up too much compared to snares when making that decision.
Problem is speed was increased too much with summerset and nerfed too much with wolfhunter but access to snares remained the same. Some abilities are way too powerful for the snare they have and others are just balanced so it's justified (ie rending slashes versus vamps bane or snb 60% snare but has minor maim and minor heroism on a spamable that costs less than 2k).
lueckgenb16_ESO wrote: »And when a stam player with max speed and damage charges at me in light armor, I should do nothing? Templar circle becomes worthless and so does the "house" idea? If they push changes like this then DK and Templar both need extreme changes.
You should equip for things like this. And if you are in light armor in the frontline without friends defending you, you made a mistake. Im sorry to say that and I don't wanna stomp on you or something, but your issue has nothing to do with the movement problems this game has at the moment.
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »But snares already have a major/minor; highest overrides lowest and can't stack lol. And speed gives up too much compared to snares when making that decision.
Problem is speed was increased too much with summerset and nerfed too much with wolfhunter but access to snares remained the same. Some abilities are way too powerful for the snare they have and others are just balanced so it's justified (ie rending slashes versus vamps bane or snb 60% snare but has minor maim and minor heroism on a spamable that costs less than 2k).
I don't think snares have a major/minor though. Yes, highest overrides lowest and can't stack, but a major/minor would mean consistent numbers across the snaring mechanic, and offer means to create an immunity periods/cooldown periods of the debuff on skills (think along the lines of defile, with major/minor, and a brief immunity period/cooldown periods on skills).
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »But snares already have a major/minor; highest overrides lowest and can't stack lol. And speed gives up too much compared to snares when making that decision.
Problem is speed was increased too much with summerset and nerfed too much with wolfhunter but access to snares remained the same. Some abilities are way too powerful for the snare they have and others are just balanced so it's justified (ie rending slashes versus vamps bane or snb 60% snare but has minor maim and minor heroism on a spamable that costs less than 2k).
I don't think snares have a major/minor though. Yes, highest overrides lowest and can't stack, but a major/minor would mean consistent numbers across the snaring mechanic, and offer means to create an immunity periods/cooldown periods of the debuff on skills (think along the lines of defile, with major/minor, and a brief immunity period/cooldown periods on skills).
its not a major/minor system, but it is consistent. everyone is being hit by a 40% and the difference between 40-70% is kinda minimal. You will not see any difference if the devs placed all snares on a major/minor system except waste their time on a solution that doesnt fix the issue.
Hearts_Wake wrote: »Flawed from the jump.
Your snares can stack.
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »Hearts_Wake wrote: »Flawed from the jump.
Your snares can stack.
Nope, not flawed.
Major and Minor Expedition can stack. So the snares can too.
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »Hearts_Wake wrote: »Flawed from the jump.
Your snares can stack.
Nope, not flawed.
Major and Minor Expedition can stack. So the snares can too.
Yes flawed, because you already have this system:
-first snares CANT stack but highest overrides lowest. This is important for the next few points.
- second, the most prevalent snares are those at 30-40%. Your change would mean nothing would feel different for much of cyro.
- third, you didnt solve the real issue; access to speed is less than access to snares.
You just swept the issue under the rug.
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »GrumpyDuckling wrote: »Hearts_Wake wrote: »Flawed from the jump.
Your snares can stack.
Nope, not flawed.
Major and Minor Expedition can stack. So the snares can too.
Yes flawed, because you already have this system:
-first snares CANT stack but highest overrides lowest. This is important for the next few points.
- second, the most prevalent snares are those at 30-40%. Your change would mean nothing would feel different for much of cyro.
- third, you didnt solve the real issue; access to speed is less than access to snares.
You just swept the issue under the rug.
@Minno Seriously? The proposed changes includes a cooldown period which provides immunity from snares. If you think the result of a snare immunity window would be that "nothing would feel different for much of cyro," then I find it hard to take what you say seriously.
Edit: Also, in the comment you are quoting we were talking about the proposed idea of the thread, which would allow the major/minor snare to stack. So yes, they would stack. You saying that they "CANT" stack is just you saying how it currently works, which I wasn't talking about. In a major/minor system, yes the major/minor can stack (with the exception of stuns/immobilizes).