Duplicate Gear Sorting for Deconstruction

Would be nice if gear/armor/weapons are sorted by type so that we can easily see duplicate traits, which then helps to decide to deconstruct. Currently, they are sorted by alphabetical name I believe, so if it starts with Rubedite Axe of ... then you'll see them together. But there could an Ebon Axe of ... up on the list with the same trait, but separated by 20 other weapons listed for Research. So trying to make sure you deconstruct the duplicates correctly instead of deconstructing a One Hand Axe vs Two Handed Axe is quite time consuming. Same with Light and Medium Armor.

Just a plea to consider having Like Kind for Sorting, in addition to Sort by Alphabetical order.
PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
PC NA: KaktusKing
  • KMarble
    Unless I completely misunderstood you, the feature you're asking for already exists. It's on the top right side of the window that opens up when you look at your gear/weapons.
  • CasgarTheSomnolent
    Couple things I see here. Yes, this is a bit annoying in terms of research and inventory management. This is how I deal with it.

    Go to crafting station, decon tab. I tend to keep all my potentially researchable weapons either in the bank or on my main crafter, so this makes seeing duplicates easier. (If you're on PC, get the Inventory Insight add-on to see things across all characters, but it's totally not essential for this.)

    Let's say I'm at a blacksmithing station on the weapons tab. I'll slowly start hovering down the list of researchable items looking at the popup for each one. In the upper right corner under the binding status (Bound, Bind On Equip, Character Bound, etc.) It'll say "Researchable" with a number and either a bag icon, a bank icon, or both next to it. If I only see one item listed as researchable, I know that the only one of whatever it is with that trait that I have, and I move on. Will eventually get to researching it.

    If I see more than one (either multiples on me, in the bank, or split between the two), I go hunting for the duplicate weapon with the duplicate trait. Sometimes it's easy, and I can find the duplicate just by continuing to skim through the whole list. I decon the highest level pieces until I'm down to only one (unless I want to keep something for a different reason). If it's not so easy to find, I use the filters above the list of weapons. I can sort them between one or two handed to narrow the field. If that's not enough, I can use the drop down to sort them by weapon type. Eventually I can narrow it down to easily find the duplicates and pick whatever I want to deconstruct. Works similarly for the other equipment crafts.

    Make sure to reset your filters back to All status afterwards (both the icons and the dropdowns), because they will stick around, and it's easy to forget they're still active.

    When this finally dawned on me, I think I ended up deconning a hundred duplicate trait pieces, and I think I could audibly hear my inventory breathe a sigh of relief. Now, I just keep it maintained which takes little effort. It takes some time at first, but the info and filters are there. Good luck.
    Edited by CasgarTheSomnolent on January 25, 2019 9:42PM
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