[PC - NA - DC] The Town of Wayshore [ Heavy RP - Guard vs Criminal vs Townsfolk ]


On a Northern coast of High Rock sits a modest town much like any other: Wayshore. The town itself welcomes a variety of residents and visitors, and contains the usual businesses one might expect to see in such a place: taverns, smithies, general shops, and so on. The local docks can accommodate a ship or two, as well as smaller fishing boats; trade usually comes through this small port, though some local bartering has occurred with nearby Orc clans and neighboring towns. As with anywhere on Tamriel, threats are often present; brigands, Reachmen, and even the occasional band of marauding orcs have been known to lurk within the nearby woods, and criminal elements make their home all over Tamriel.

Though Wayshore is presided over by a minor Breton House, the head of the Household, Lord Duncain Verrus, is usually occupied with business, leaving the running of the town to a few officials and competent guard force. Unless a special event or emergency interferes, Wayshore Keep is almost always open to visitors, and contains the barracks for the town guards, as well as the town's prison. Several servants, guards, and a smattering of knights call Wayshore Keep home.

Wayshore is bordered by an expanse of mountainous woods called Easthallow. The area is known to be rich in ore, particularly silver, which has become one of Wayshore's primary exports. The Easthallow mine resides on a rocky mountainside, hidden by the trees; miners regularly work in the area, and convicted criminals from town are sent there to serve out their sentences of hard labor. But as with all forests, a number of unsavory beasts and people can be found living or hiding out in the woods. Rogue bands of Reachmen or brigands have been known to tread dangerously close to town, and some sunken ruins, long since partially claimed by the earth, have acquired a lasting criminal presence. Those with an ear to the underground might be familiar with this outlaw's refuge.



This guild is broken up into three main factions: the law, the townsfolk, and the criminals. The purpose of this is to facilitate lawful vs. unlawful conflict in an environment where both sides are in the same guild, following the same rules, and engaging in the same friendly OOC chat, without always having to reach outside for other guilds to work with.

We prefer that conflict be a game of cat and mouse, and give and take, where criminals might succeed in heists or be carried off to prison, where guards might successfully catch someone in the act or be beaten and forced to limp back to the barracks to lick their wounds. As such, we're not focused on killing each other, but instead encouraging conflict and all the nuances in between, through both player conflict as well as the occasional DMed events- sometimes you'll be sleuthing around or fighting someone on the other side of the law, and sometimes you might even be forced to make a grudging truce to deal with a bigger threat. Friends, enemies, frenemies, everything in between, you'll find it here.

We're keeping to a low to medium fantasy aesthetic, meaning most conflicts will be dealing with more down to earth, realistic foes: guards vs thieves or bandits, murder mysteries, slice of life getting interrupted by highway robbery, etc. While magic will be present, we prefer to keep those elements minimal and full of risk- for example, if an injury occurs, do not expect to use restoration magic to wave the problem away. Magic is accepted where it might enhance a story, and rejected where it might trivialize a problem or source of conflict.

That said, this is a Breton town much like any other in High Rock, and therefore, vampires and werewolves and other creatures of the night will not be welcome in-character. Expect aggression, torches and pitchforks if your character is discovered as having a Daedric affliction. That doesn't mean you cannot have a character that hides this affliction, but townsfolk do not and will not welcome monsters into their midst. There will be no sipping blood in the middle of a Wayshore tavern. Ever.

The focus of the guild RP is on the town, townsfolk, guards, criminals, and so on. While there is one noble house presiding over the area, membership to that family is locked, as they are going to be used as glorified NPCs for the occasional quest-giving or plot point. This isn't really a Noble House guild. That said, people are welcome to join as knights and castle servants in service to their liege lord.



Tl;dr: A town in High Rock where law vs crime and the townsfolk caught in between is the focus of the RP.

Contact: @TheIronFox in-game or send a message here.
Server: PC - NA
Focus: Heavy RP
Age Requirement: 18+
Location: High Rock: RP will be done mostly in player housing based locations/businesses, with Northpoint occasionally being used as an in-world OOC representation of the general town.
Combat Style: Roll-based is standard, individuals can agree on other methods.
Magic: Minimal: A low-medium fantasy aesthetic where what little magic that is used is expected to enhance a story, not trivialize it.
Werewolves and Vampires: Werewolves and vampires are not openly welcome; characters must either hide it or expect to be run out of town. Monsters will be treated as monsters; if you want to experience the misery of being a Daedric-afflicted individual struggling with their curse and the pain of knowing that your neighbors would despise you and even try to kill you if they knew, you've come to the right place.

Other alts/guilds:

If our style seems to mesh with yours, we'd be happy to RP with you even if you don't intend on joining the guild, or have a guild of your own. Given that Wayshore functions as a setting, it is open to being visited by outside groups, traders, enemies, etc. ICly, we are in a nebulous location somewhere along the coast all the way due North of Wayrest, very near Wrothgar, so it makes perfect sense for nearby orc clans to have trade or conflict, Reachmen or Skyrim-based groups to brush on by, other areas in High Rock to make contact, any manner of visitors to pass through, etc. We're also happy to serve as quest-givers or a quest-hub if you run a mercenary group or something similar and want some frustrated, worn down town guard to point you towards a frost troll lair that needs handling.

Either way, if you don't have an added guild slot but still want to be a part of things, we do use a discord where all information, including when RP is happening, will be posted. Feel free to send me a message here on the forums or in-game if you would like an invite to the discord or otherwise would like to coordinate some RP!
Edited by Taz on January 24, 2019 6:59PM
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