Ohhgrizyyy wrote: »I'm just over the "meta way or no way" mentality. I dont force a build to work but if I can play something that does the same or slightly less I'll do it. Kinda tired of how its been Templars and almost only Templars for years now. I feel DK could have stronger or better heals but utility wise they arent as strong.
P.S I have little to no healing experience in ESO when it comes to PvE xD. I've never even done much end-game content outside of some 4-mans. (Mostly a PvPer and only really PvE when farming a gear set)
Depends on what "end game" means for you.
If "end game" is doing 4 man content like arenas, vet dungeons, hard mode, dungeon skin runs etc, then yes DK healer will be mediocre to great depending on the make-up of the rest of your group. Certainly totally viable.
If end game is normal trials, possibly craglorn vets, you'd probably be fine there.
Vet progression groups for vmol, vhov, vas, that's where you're going to run into groups that would rather have a templar and warden healer.
GimpyPorcupine wrote: »I've wondered this too, but haven't tried it yet.
I would think you'd need to be applying some type of flame damage to get the Burning status effect for sustain reasons (Ardent Flame Combustion passive).
Trinimac's Valor would be interesting, since you'll likely be hitting Fragmented Shield frequently to keep Major Mending up. That's basically a big free heal every 5 seconds, plus good sustain from the first 2-4 item bonuses.
The knockdown from Obsidian Shard will be pretty unreliable, especially in trials when so many of the adds are CC-immune anyway. Same goes for Shattering Rocks. That would also reduce the overall effectiveness of Cinder Storm.
Ohhgrizyyy wrote: »Would Dk healers not be useful in the sense of being able to use Engulfing to increase groups fire dmg?
Ohhgrizyyy wrote: »Would Dk healers not be useful in the sense of being able to use Engulfing to increase groups fire dmg?
Tanks do it. And a healer who goes into range of engulfing has probably walked past his DDs. So no Combat Prayer and general heals. Not a good idea.
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
Ohhgrizyyy wrote: »https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Special:EsoBuildData?id=112243
This is with Olorime body, IA Jewelry, Resto and Lightning. Bogdan Monster (could use Earthgore or new set coming with Wrathstone)
Also thats updated racial passives for Update 21
TimeWizard wrote: »Ohhgrizyyy wrote: »https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Special:EsoBuildData?id=112243
This is with Olorime body, IA Jewelry, Resto and Lightning. Bogdan Monster (could use Earthgore or new set coming with Wrathstone)
Also thats updated racial passives for Update 21
It looks pretty good. The couple things I would recommend changing are switching Cauterize and Fragmented Shield to put Fragmented on your front bar in order to keep major mending up easier. Also switch Warhorn to the back bar and putting Barrier on the front bar for more regen because dk has horrible sustain.
DK healer is one of my favourite to play I have have completed almost all content on it. (only things I don't have are vAS +2 (have +1) and vCR +3 (have +2)) Unfortunately I only get to play her for fun runs and carry runs because she doesn't offer anything unique in order to be valued for score pushing.
I wish you luck in playing with it. And as you said you are new to healing, just remember the golden rule: MOAR ORBS