Performance issues

Is this the most laggy and stuttering game you all play?
Edited by Somber97866 on January 23, 2019 2:55AM
  • SirAndy
    Wut? confused24.gif
  • Somber97866
    Sorry, edited bc I forgot game in the the question and I didn't want Emireth coming over here,lol.
  • Sylvermynx
    Um. Nope. It's about the same as WoW and RIFT when I was actively playing them - not problematic. The problematic situation for me is twofold: first, the combat is.... in my face, and frenetically fast.... and with 2000+ ms lag, it's - anything but fun (not to mention that any of my girls other than pet classes die A LOT); and second, the way the quest lines work, with NO XP unless you get through a very hard - for me, with aforementioned lag - mini boss or so.... well, questing (which is my preferred method of enjoying any game, especially a TES title) is simply not really possible.
  • Vapirko
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Um. Nope. It's about the same as WoW and RIFT when I was actively playing them - not problematic. The problematic situation for me is twofold: first, the combat is.... in my face, and frenetically fast.... and with 2000+ ms lag, it's - anything but fun (not to mention that any of my girls other than pet classes die A LOT); and second, the way the quest lines work, with NO XP unless you get through a very hard - for me, with aforementioned lag - mini boss or so.... well, questing (which is my preferred method of enjoying any game, especially a TES title) is simply not really possible.

    I think you said this in another thread, but again, if you've got 2000ms+ lag time then it's not the game. I play from Thailand on the NA servers and my ping is typically around 280 or max 350 if primetime on Vivec and things are really bad. I do get higher spikes but its not normal.
  • Sylvermynx
    Vapirko wrote: »

    I think you said this in another thread, but again, if you've got 2000ms+ lag time then it's not the game. I play from Thailand on the NA servers and my ping is typically around 280 or max 350 if primetime on Vivec and things are really bad. I do get higher spikes but its not normal.

    Um. Yeah. It's not the game, and I never said it was. The only connection I have is satellite. THAT is the problem.
  • Somber97866
    Yeah but tbh, I've played every mmo I could find and this one is the worst , not bc it runs the worst, bc the way it has to be played.
    If they are going to make the game super fast paced and need a super fast response time, to win or overcome the obstacles, then the game needs to match.
    Why expect me to be nimble when the game is anything but.
  • phairdon
    Yes. No other online game has the same performance issues for me.
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Somber97866
    Me either. Thing is though ppl are more concerned about they're khajit sorcerer being endgame meta and they haven't even completed VMA.
    Let's not even get into the B.S. in VMA
    Edited by Somber97866 on January 27, 2019 9:31PM
  • Tandor
    Is this the most laggy and stuttering game you all play?

    No. Apart from the loading screen issues on PC EU this weekend which have affected me a couple of times I haven't had any significant performance issues since launch.
  • eso_lags
    Is this the most laggy and stuttering game you all play?

    A lot of the people who will comment on this are PC players and dont have these issues.. But if you're a console player, or worse a console pvp player, then ya its probably the worst game ive ever played when it comes to performance. PC has it so good and they just dont know it.

    I've honestly been thinking about switching to PC again. The difference in performance, and the way zos treats PC vs console players, is ridiculous.
  • Somber97866
    I have a video, at the end of the ice round of vma, where the round would not end after the boss died.I had to kill the last 2 adds before it would finish. This just happened! The whole game is becoming this way. I guess that guy who called me a peasant for playing xbox was right.
  • russelmmendoza
    Its not laggy as fack.
    Stay away from zerodull.
    Bg is best for pvp.
    I have a potato pc.
  • Androconium
    Is this the most laggy and stuttering game you all play?

    Yes, yes it is. I only play the one game.

    If you use wireless, swap to cable. That has been the most effective tip I was ever given.
    If you use a HDD, regularly defrag it to maximise the useful virtual storage. That worked for me also.

    Uninstalling gives a 100% improvement in all aspects of gameplay, including fun.
  • Somber97866
    So today in vma, only one handler showed up!
    Btw, I have straight jacked 98mbps internet
    Edited by Somber97866 on January 28, 2019 8:52PM
  • Somber97866
    And 24ms latency
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