When we measure DPS

Do we include ultimates or is it only light and heavy attacks with abilities?
"Knee-jerk reactionist."
Lost Depths, 2015-2022.
  • idk
    Everything. A test dummy is really just the start but it should measure what your actual rotation should be.

    I say it is the start because what really matters is what you do in actual boss fights and of course there you would be using your ultimate.
  • Narvuntien
    You use your ultimate as much as you can.

    Typically you recharge your ultimate after a parse then reset the dummy (by putting it away and placing it again)
  • Turelus
    As idk said you should be doing what you would do during a boss fight with perfect conditions to find what your upper limit is.

    Be aware though that deliberately cheesing a pass to make it higher (using things you wouldn't in a real fight) doesn't help.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • BuddyAces
    I like to bash it to death
    They nerfed magsorcs so hard stamsorcs felt it,lol - Somber97866

    I'm blown away by the utter stupidity I see here on the daily. - Wrekkedd
  • siddique
    Ooh, I've been cursing myself for a miserly 25k dps I can go much higher when I drop ultimates! :D awesome thanks!
    "Knee-jerk reactionist."
    Lost Depths, 2015-2022.
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