I just made a new Khajit and proceeded to make an outfit for him.. From basic Khajit styles and colors i have unlocked over years.
Had to pay almost 5 k gold which was all i had and my friend who just started to play, do not have even a chance to use the station with these costs.
..Unless using a outfit token...
I also checked a single piece cost. Changing a shpoulder slot to another Khajit style as a khajit costs lsomething over 900 gold.
I am pretty sure, that basic styles were cheap back when i last played. Did not even have to pay 1k to change to an outfit style of the characters race with some colors added.
Have the greed leveled up since i last played? Have the prices been upped to sell these stupid tokens?
I do not think this is okay at all. If and when gold sinks are needed, they are not supposed to be punishing to new players or as a marketing ploy to sell some stupid tokens.
>>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<