SockOfSand wrote: »VaranisArano wrote: »I doubt these options are new to you. In order to sell your goods, you can:
Make your own guild with at least 50 people. This will unlock the trader for internal use. If you make the weekly trader bid on a trader in the blind bid, you will have that trader for a week from which to sell to other players.
Join a trading guild that makes that weekly trader bid regularly. I'm in 3 trading guilds. One has no fee or donation requirements, one is 5k a week sales, and the other is 25k a week, all of which suit my sales. One of those guilds is much more social than the others, organizing PVP nights, trials runs, and occasionally guild scavenger hunts. So if you dont like the "huge soulless husks" you are in, maybe try looking for different trading guilds? There are lots out there.
Yeah i suppose i might just have to take the time to find a properly social trading guild, i hadn't heard of any or seen any so i had given up on thinking there were since everybody i talked to had 2 guilds minimal (one social and one trading).
so that might be one of my only choices.VaranisArano wrote: »Sell in zone chat. Type something like "WTS Perfect Roe in bulk" or "WTS crafted potions/poisons" and see if people are interested.
As far as we know, ZOS has no stated plans to change how guilds work nor any plans to add an auction house.
Yeah, that might be what i have to do. I hadn't thought of collecting up everything id want to sell, even though that would eat up a huge amount of bank space. although i suppose i could make like 3 or 4 characters and park em at the bank permanently act as pack mules?
and than maybe on occasional just walk through Morrowind (or some other place, i haven't left morrowind yet) and advertise my goods in-character... hmm, that is one suggestion i hadn't thought of.
thank you for the thoughts.
clocksstoppe wrote: »join a trade guild?..
SockOfSand wrote: »clocksstoppe wrote: »join a trade guild?..
check my edit, i forgot to mention them before i posted the topic.
Your trade guild dues you describe in your edit aren't all that high. I'm in four and pay 5000-10,000 gold per week to each. About 28,000 gold a week total for all four You're getting a deal if you're paying 3k a week for a trader in a good spot. Mind are in rawklaw, elder root, vivec, and alinor
MovesLikeJaguar wrote: »An auction house system could be a neat way to make it so even smaller guilds could be relevant. Perhaps a combined system where the auction house is open on weekends and the rest of the week it's the current system, or a system where if you own a guild trader, if a member of your guild goes to buy stuff through the auction house at your guild's trader, you get some kind of benefit. Dunno. With proper planning it could be a decent system.
NO NO NO NO auction house. Ugh just another thread asking again for a very bad thing.
You know this is an MMORPG just join a trade guid and stop being so anti-social. there are free trade guilds out there that would easily suite your needs.
VaranisArano wrote: »I doubt these options are new to you. In order to sell your goods, you can:
Make your own guild with at least 50 people. This will unlock the trader for internal use. If you make the weekly trader bid on a trader in the blind bid, you will have that trader for a week from which to sell to other players.
Join a trading guild that makes that weekly trader bid regularly. I'm in 3 trading guilds. One has no fee or donation requirements, one is 5k a week sales, and the other is 25k a week, all of which suit my sales. One of those guilds is much more social than the others, organizing PVP nights, trials runs, and occasionally guild scavenger hunts. So if you dont like the "huge soulless husks" you are in, maybe try looking for different trading guilds? There are lots out there.
VaranisArano wrote: »Sell in zone chat. Type something like "WTS Perfect Roe in bulk" or "WTS crafted potions/poisons" and see if people are interested.
As far as we know, ZOS has no stated plans to change how guilds work nor any plans to add an auction house.
SockOfSand wrote: »So im a pretty casual player, and i just got back into the game. as ive been playing my character ive been making a good chunk of money out of Perfect Roes from fishing, and i also have only been doing Alchemy. so i had decided that it would be a good idea for me to create my own guild that i could than use as a Guild Store (and occasionally get my own trader in less competitive spots) to sell just Perfect Roes and Potions/Poisons.
unfortunately as i immediately found out, i need 50 members to even unlock the guild store. which kind of sucks because i simply wanted to use it as way to sell Roe's and Potions. I had no intentions of building up a guild just to be able to do my own niche store front type of deal.
unfortunately ive had no luck asking for help on alternative ways to sell my own stuff in either Zone chat or on google. and as far as i can tell there is no way to do so. will they be making any changes to the way guild stores work with upcoming chapters/updates that anybody knows of?
maybe they will add some kind of traditional auction house?
edit: forgot to add i do know of Trading Guilds, im in two atm. unfortunately the good one requires me to pay about 15k a month or 3k a week in fee's to stay in it (and typcially has a trader in a really good spot), and the free one which usually has a trader as well, but not always in the best of spots (or so ive been told) but i dont like trading guilds, they are just just huge soulless husks for players to hawk their wares. its not really fun to me to be in. and the guild i do like being in which is a social focused one dosent even bother getting a trader in the first place.
clocksstoppe wrote: »SockOfSand wrote: »clocksstoppe wrote: »join a trade guild?..
check my edit, i forgot to mention them before i posted the topic.
I'm not sure what soul you are looking for in a trade guild. A trade guild is essentially an NPC that provies you massive exposure for your sales in exchange for a small tax and a guild slot. Whether you like the deal or not, it is the only way to consistently get your stuff sold out.
Outside of what you already are aware of, trade guilds and recruiting members so you can be your own trade guild, you have zone chat to hawk your wares.
The issue you face trying to be your own trade guild is you still have to pony up 10k per week at a minimum to get a trader. You will have to figure out where and when to find these traders on Sunday night/Monday morning depending on where you live. All while also making sure you stay above the required members to have a trader.
That does not sound like something a casual player would do.
Fine trade guilds that better meet your needs. One that may require minimum sales but not dues it a better choice.
Anotherone773 wrote: »You will likely spend more money a week securing a trader, even if you could get a trader solo, than you would make at said trader. And being a fairly dead trade guild you would easily get overtaken by more active guilds who can bid higher.
You should just find out what are the good trade spots on your server( people on the forums can help you with that) and then join a guild that trades there. You might have to pay a fee up to 5k a week in taxes, raffles, auctions, etc. but it is a far better alternative than what you are trying to do. Also you do not have to interact with anyone in the trade guild. I completely ignore my 3 trade guilds. I dont even have the chats for them active. I just post my stuff and pay any fees i need too pay and that is it,. I havent interacted with anyone in the guilds for over 6 months so its literally like they dont exist except to collect taxes and fees and make sure i have a trader.
VaranisArano wrote: »Typically, when I see people selling crafting mats in zone chat, they are selling them in bulk just because you have to spend the time to advertise in zone chat, so most people want larger sales that are worth their time. If you want to do smaller sales as you acquire items, that's up to you. Another type of item that sells decently in zone chat is desirable set pieces with good traits, which might fit well with your "traveling merchant" type roleplay.
So if that's something you want to do, it might be easier to make yourself mule characters or use other storage options like expanding your bank space or buying home storage chest furnishings. That way you can store items you haven't sold yet.