Hello, my friends, The Art of Warfare is now recruiting Hurray!
We here at TAW are planning to have our guild mainly be for PvP [AD for Cyrodiil] and some PvE content, but with the required events during the week that PvP/PvE players need because they need lorebooks/Skyshards for their builds. We intend to have events for PvP/PvE and events for farming the things we need for our builds and even theorycrafting events where we can help out each other and enjoy making random and funny builds.
What we will be offering!
Because this is a brand new guild there is only me in it currently

this guild will be a guild supported by the Art of Warfare gaming community which currently stands at over 1500 members across 15+ supported games. There is the opportunity for advancement and we will be looking for staff to help run our guild.
Once ESO has been officially announced and added into the TAW structure we will have a Teamspeak section just for ourselves so we have somewhere to call home. You may ask why do we use TS? We use it because it has been our official platform since its creation and because we have so many members we need to have 100’s of channels.
But Artio you mentioned TAW supports 15+ other games? Yes, Yes I did. Once you are a full member of taw you get full permission to roam around our Teamspeak channels whenever you want, you are always welcome to play with any of our members on any of the games we support, if you are looking for more friends and comrades in arms.
The current list of events we have in store once we have members are Cyrodiil, BG’s dueling, lorebook/skyshard hunting, new character leveling nights, theorycrafting nights etc. the days and times will be finalized when we can get members and see what time suits you guys and girls!
Experienced Leadership and members who are happy to share their knowledge of the game for new players.
But most importantly we want to have our guild based on the founding principles of TAW 16 years ago. Honor, Friendship, Loyalty and Fair play
What the future holds?
For our future as a guild, we want to be known throughout the ESO community as the number one place to go for a friendly, active PvP/PvE Guild that always has new and veteran players.
We want to encourage our players to implement their own ideas into our guild and to join me in the creation of something great and to enjoy their time being a part of our community!
What do we want in our members?
All that we want in our members is to be active, friendly, 16 or over and social within the Guild, We would like to ask that all our members join up to our website when the game is made available to join it and to attend at least 1 of our events per week. To ensure we have an active guild we have a 30-day kick policy for members who do not join our website and a 60-day kick policy for those that do. We know that people can be shy so we understand if you just want to join our voice chat and listen in too.
If you have any questions or want to join? Don't be afraid to ask down below or message me in game at
@artio97 or you can sign up at our website at taw.net.