Hello everyone,
For those who do not know me, I am an end game PVE player, and we currently work with my guilds on no death achievements.
Next week I will organise a game on my twitch channel where one can earn 1million gold. The idea is simple: before each raid, people in the chat can vote for 1 of the 12 raid members. If that person dies first, whoever voted for them gets a point.
At the end of the week the person with the biggest amount of points will receive 1million gold. If several persons reach the same number of points the million will be split.
Subs will get a point multiplier to slightly increase their chances.
Streams will be:
Monday 9-11:30 pm CET (vAS+2)
Tuesday 9-11:30 pm CET (vMOL HM)
Thursday 9-11:30 pm CET (vAS+2)
Saturday 2-5pm CET (vHOF HM)
Sunday 2-5pm CET (vHOF HM)
On my twitch channel:
Server : PC EU
Since I'm a french streamer, there will be some french in the stream and in the chat.
For people participating in the raid forbid to vote for them (no suicide)!
No trashtalk!
Gl everyone!