First, let me say that I'm happy with the cap. I've been playing this game since console launch and I've seen how the constant CP increase has, in my opinion, broken the game from a PvE perspective. Everytime we get more CP, dungeons become much easier. So much so that ZOS has had to implement many one-shot mechanics to keep max players from walking through bosses. Personally, I hate the one shot mechanics. I prefer the good old days when we had 160-300 cp, struggling to work together and down skoria on hard mode. It was such a rewarding experience and the dungeon mechanics, while difficult, we still really fun.
With all of that said, I do agree with the counter argument that asks, "what's the point after I hit max level?" Players still enjoy to be rewarded for accomplishments and I think that's an important piece to keeping players. So how do you address both these issues.
A thought I have is to cap CP at a lower amount, maybe 450 or 540. Now before everyone starts throwing tomatoes at me, hear me out. Lowering the cap would allow ZOS to be more creative with dungeon designs and remove the one-shot mechanics. Any of you that have played since launch understand this. It also will help them better balance the game, gear, and classes. They won't need to constantly worry about how 30 extra CP will effect class x. They can focus those questions on how new gear will effect performance.
After max CP, we earn something different at the same rate as CP. Let's call them tokens for now. These tokens could be used to buy whatever ZOS finds appropriate. The could be used to buy mats, consumables, or my favorite idea, dungeon/pvp gear. ZOS could add a merchant in font of each dungeon, trial, or in Cyrodiil/Imp City. Players could spend X tokens to buy that dungeon/trial/pvp set piece. The cost would have to be substantial enough to not make it too easy to buy gear. My initial thought would be:
-25 tokens per armor piece
-50 tokens per weapon/jewelry piece
Trial (non-perfect only)
-50 tokens per armor piece
-80 tokens per weapon/jewelry piece
Sorry, I dont pvp enough to know what would be best, but I would assume one of the two options above.
If we still earn tokens at the same rate as CP, it would take a while to earn this gear, but still give players something to earn. Any current CP over the cap would be credited to tokens.
Just a thought. If any of you have ideas, let's hear them. I'm sure ZOS is spinning their wheels trying to figure out how to change, so now might be a good time to give them something to think about.