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Think I am a masochist

I keep trying to make my Stam DK happen in BG's and ouch! I only play deathmatch (other games are just dumb) and still not totally sure how the scoring works.

Stam DK was my first so I always go back to her like a sad little puppy. However I am embarrassed because my scores are generally around 2,800 points with a stat line like 7 kills, 5 deaths and 10ish assists. Basically no healing done. On my MagDK I generally score 3,000-5,000 with anywhere around 700k-1.2mil damage depending on opponents. I get that MagDK is very AOE based so I rack up a TON of assists. Generally finish top 3 in points total between all 3 groups.

Don't think it's my setup(s). Currently running 5 piece medium Spriggans gold/impen, 5 piece Pariah jewelry weapons, dual wield and S&B. Switch between different monster sets...BS, Veli and Skoria. I tend to try different combos all the time. I know dual wield with S&B is a bit odd. One thing I cannot stand is 2H playstyle. Shoot me in the face before I try to line up Dizzy Swings the whole damn time. Weird thing is is that I feel like I am doing the same amount of damage as I do on my mDK but then look at the score and I am that dead last loser on my team. One thing I have noticed is a bad habit I have. Due the animation priority change (I profess my hatred for this change at every opportunity) I still don't have the rythmn to of the global cooldown...or something. Basically I find myself either holding in the trigger for heavy attack or tapping the right trigger too often. Previously you could hold in heavy attack and cancel it with a skill. But then that horrible change happened and now the character follows all the way through with heavy/light attacked. So far too often I am probably just whiffing heavy and light attacks instead of connecting with my more "powerful" skills (err Dots).

Anyone else torture themselves trying to make a StamDK decent in BG's? Any success? I try different setups but most come out roughly the same.

I know Warden is king right now but making one takes too much time, think mine is level 20. Obviously it's quick and easy to get them to level 50 but the damn skyshards, undaunted, mages and fighter's guild all take waaaaay more time than I have to devote. Nothing more boring than looking at an online map guide on your phone, riding to each shard or blue book, rinse and repeat. Limited time with a baby in the house so rather just mess with my existing guys.

If you see Purdomination in BG's on Xbox try to keep your laughter to a minimum alright guys and girls!
Mediocre AD StamDK.
BiS wine drinker.
Award winning dog owner.
Disappointing husband.
  • mursie
    curious what you run on mDK that makes you feel super strong in bg's. and aoe based?? embers and lash are single target. I feel like I get your same stamDK scores and consider that good... then I get on mdk and it drops considerably lower.
    twitter: @mursieftw
  • ezio45
    are you sure your not a sadist, you did pick the class with whips and chain :D

    *bad joke drum* ba da da
  • Vermethys
    For the past couple of months I've been playing nothing but StamDk in BGs, almost daily. So I'm rather surprised to read that -- they are just too good!

    My main has always been an Imperial tank first and foremost, so my race is technically not BIS -- Redguard and Orc are better options. But the class has the perfect amount of offensive, defensive, and supportive capabilities. It is far from being the burstiest class, but with it I can pressure and outsustain most magicka and brawler stamina players, I can escape losing fights with relative ease if I have enough ulti saved up, and can easily be the no.1 healer in the group while scoring the most kills (if there is no dedicated healer).

    It might be a bit complicated since I don't really have a typical "front-bar/back-bar" sort of playstyle and no particular spammable. It relies a lot on tankiness, light-attack weaving, and bash weaving (to a minor degree). But it's very rewarding as most of my matches usually end up with around 10 kills, 1-2 deaths, and 20+ assists. The build is no stranger to deathless matches too thanks to its survivability. Much of it relies on picking your fights instead of charging head-on, I will admit. I use a 2h + s&b, 5 heavy and 2 medium set-up. And no, I definitely do not use Dizzying Swing ;)

    It works well for all game modes with no alterations, and I'd be glad to share the build if you are interested.
    Edited by Vermethys on January 18, 2019 10:51PM
    PC EU CP1400+
    In-game Username: Vermilion98

    Characters & Builds
    Edith Geonette [DC Imperial Sorcerer] (AR28)
    Gorgo Aendovius [AD Imperial Dragonknight] (AR28)

    My Builds:
  • Purdomination33
    @vermillion2077 I am an Imperial as well, always have been from day one. I like the versatility. Made a simple ajustment last night and things went better. Switched to 2H and DW. Forgot how great it is to have Reverse Slice as an execute. Like the way my build works right now. I feel just as tanky in medium with this setup as I do in heavy. Better resource management. Templars are an issue though.
    Edited by Purdomination33 on January 19, 2019 2:32PM
    Mediocre AD StamDK.
    BiS wine drinker.
    Award winning dog owner.
    Disappointing husband.
  • Vermethys
    Glad you are enjoying it better. You'll definitely be rocking much higher Weapon Damage in medium as well. When fighting Templars, especially MagPlars, I juggle Reverberating Bash and Pierce Armor as my spammables to make sure Major Defile stays on them. Of course, Venomous Claw, Flames of Oblivion, and 2h axe bleed are usually running in the background -- so the pressure is high. With a 2h + DW setup, I think you can put out higher pressure, but with no access to Major Defile (which is a really strong debuff).

    Stampede > Flames of Oblivion > Petrify > Rending Slashes (or Blood Craze) > Venomous Claw would be a very, very strong combo, especially if you trade Spriggan set for Viper's Sting and use two infused axes on your DW bar. Since you are in medium, you could try to use Shuffle to counter Templars since most use Jabs (which is AoE) by the way.
    PC EU CP1400+
    In-game Username: Vermilion98

    Characters & Builds
    Edith Geonette [DC Imperial Sorcerer] (AR28)
    Gorgo Aendovius [AD Imperial Dragonknight] (AR28)

    My Builds:
  • Purdomination33
    @vermillion2077 The only switch I made was replace S&B with a 2H Maul. Just having Reverse Slice makes all the difference. Heavy attack into a Reverse Slice on a low health enemy usually gets the job done. I have been in medium to begin with.

    Really loving my setup right now, a perfect mix of tankiness and damage. I use Elude instead of Shuffle. Already get the snare immunity from Forward Momentum. And the additional up time of Elude helps with resource management. DW has all the usual DOTS, bleeds and whatnot. Got my CC and Wings. 2H gives me the HOT, gap closer and execute. I feel like a swiss army knife out there. There is a reason I always go back to my Dragon Lady.

    Infused Viper axes is a bit too noobie cheese for my taste. After what is it now, 3 or so now of playing I prefer raw stats like penetration over a DOT that can be purged away. Don't get me wrong, I definitely use bleeds and DOTS to keep the pressure up. But I have my limits ya know.

    You should give medium a try, if built correctly there is not much of a downside. Heavy Armor in and of itself is unimpressive to me at the moment.
    Mediocre AD StamDK.
    BiS wine drinker.
    Award winning dog owner.
    Disappointing husband.
  • Vermethys
    Viper is indeed a cheesy set, but I'm not sure I feel bad considering how prevalent other proc sets like Zaan, Skoria, and Red Mountain are in no-cp :p I used to run Spriggan's and Shacklebreaker at first, but felt like I wasn't doing much damage. Fight fire with fire, I guess.

    I would like to try 2h + DW in medium someday, perhaps with 1 or 2 protective rings, but 300+ skyshards and still struggling with skill points unfortunately. Anyway, I'm just glad you're enjoying it again -- it's such a nice
    and versatile class imo :)
    Edited by Vermethys on January 19, 2019 3:55PM
    PC EU CP1400+
    In-game Username: Vermilion98

    Characters & Builds
    Edith Geonette [DC Imperial Sorcerer] (AR28)
    Gorgo Aendovius [AD Imperial Dragonknight] (AR28)

    My Builds:
  • Grimlok_S
    Viper is weak fromage, if you want a nice aged cheddar to weave into your dots take a look into ophidian venom.

    That said I've been digging sword singer set, comboing into onslaught.
    Light Attack Hero

    Class context
    Stam NB
    Bomb NB
  • Purdomination33
    I just keep coming back to Spriggans. Some other sets are fun for a while don't get me wrong. I am always trying to come up with something fun and unique but I simply do not have the time to farm a thing especially if it's a trial set or requires a group. By the sound of it I am the only person without Master or Asylum weapons.

    A bit off subject but I have all 9 traits for Rings and Necklace. Only problem is that I cannot find anything good to craft! Made Clever Alchemist infused jewelry but of course that leaves me with crap for resources. Worth a try though.
    Mediocre AD StamDK.
    BiS wine drinker.
    Award winning dog owner.
    Disappointing husband.
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