Lakemire Xanmeer Manor, will you buy it?

The forum is filled with discussions about the upcoming racial passives, and I wanted to take a small break to talk housing. The new Lakemire Xanmeer Manor has been released (15k/17.5k crowns unfurnished/furnished), and I know a lot of people were waiting for it, so I'm curious to see how many will be buying it, and what are your plans with the decorations. I'm going to be skipping this one, but I think it's a beautiful house, and has a large outside area as well as lots of vertical space.

Lakemire Xanmeer Manor, will you buy it? 147 votes

I already bought the Lakemire Xanmeer Manor
Nestordodgehopper_ESOkrisor67_ESOYulsfioskalbellatrixedValagashKulvarThehartclanNecrus011GreatGildersleeveTommy_The_Gunajm1946AurieTonyRockaronipshiftAngelaWaspArgon9 18 votes
I haven't bought it yet, but I'm planning to buy it
grefCloudtradershaielzafineHanzeeBokeemWardenofNirnArgelornNave_HorsespitoonAptonothCrocoDarrelive_wonder 10 votes
I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
laurajfMallowMoloch1514Pinesycalitrumanb14_ESOKesstrylDarcyMardinAntsyFiddlerHrogunIruil_ESOdanielclarkb16_ESOAimoraixieMaythorGladiumSharaleiGregNerouynSheezabeastMattock_Romulus 109 votes
LonestryderCaffeinatedMayhemAefionBloodclawSosRuvaakKurglelamataditaVahlyancemateosalvajeTechnicaLEMNISC8 10 votes
  • Shadow_Akula
    I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
    Maybe when it comes back out after a while... I don’t have the money now after buying hakkvilds hall at the end of December... :disappointed: if I had known it was going to be released in January (since the showcase was only released in January) I may have waited but since I didn’t know then alas I must await its return to purchase, even then probably won’t be able to afford it :disappointed:
    Edited by Shadow_Akula on January 17, 2019 5:14PM
  • perditioner
    I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
    15,000 is too expensive given its size. I was going to buy it, but I won't at that price. I was going to extend my ESO plus to buy it but I guess I won't be doing that either.
  • Incognitius
    I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
    Nope, too expensive.
    Not a fan of giant houses with current item slot limit. And I don't see a easy way to make the house less big, so...
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    I'd buy it if I had enough real world money. Trying to buy the furnishing pack with gold.
  • Nestor
    I already bought the Lakemire Xanmeer Manor
    I have all this Murkmire Furniture I have to put someplace...
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Thalidar
    To big, to expensive and seems rather boring to be honest.
  • TonyRockaroni
    I already bought the Lakemire Xanmeer Manor
    I play an Argonian WAY too often and am WAY too invested in Argonian lore to not buy this place! Plus I love the underwater views from inside. I was saving my crown wallet specifically for this xanmeer. Easily one of the five best homes in the game IMO! <3
    Edited by TonyRockaroni on January 17, 2019 10:22PM
  • Kurgle

    I love the Argonian lore and made a char special for Murkmire. I got the last Argonian furnishing packand have been farming Murkmire furnishing plans ready for this house. My char is ready to move in.

    But 15k crowns is too much, especially with the new furnishing pack at another 4k.

    My 6 month eso+ just renewed so with a bit more real money I could do it but just have the nasty feeling I'm being chiselled.
  • Sylvermynx
    I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
    It's not even a thing for my lone Argonian....
  • ApostateHobo
    I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
    I'm still waiting for Tel Galen to come back which is the only crown exclusive house I'll buy. I wanna live in a tumorous mushroom damn it XD
  • Sharalei
    I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
    If you take away the lovely downstairs with it's wall-to-wall aquarium, what is left? A dark, damp home which will be difficult to furnish with the current item limitations.

    I've never understood the hype about this place. Granted, the first time I saw it I was impressed. But over time, it's lost it's luster. Thank goodness we've have time to contemplate. If they had of made the house available at the release of Murkmire, they would have had a sale from me. I'm guessing other players too have lost their desire for this house as time goes on.

    Ouch! The price is steep!
  • Wildberryjack
    I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
    I like it, but 15k crowns is too much. Have to pass.
    The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~Pablo Picasso
  • D3AKUs
    I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
    From someone that deeply loves housing - No. I bought the Admeri Grotto when it went live and its the only home so far that i regret spending crowns on. Way to big and frustrating to build on. I have completely caved it in lately to make a successful build. But whats the point if i have to make compromises like this and lose pretty much everything that makes it stand out ( beautiful open view and surroundings ) to actually make it work. Both Aldmeri and Xanmeer Home are great in their own way but with the current limitations and the amount of money they cost - i cant justify a purchase for myself even tho i am tempted badly because i love the aquatic inside and it offers a lot of potential... Just my oppinion tho.
    Edited by D3AKUs on January 18, 2019 12:34AM
  • lamatadita
    I'll buy it if they fix the graphical glitch that's happening for many, many players, where a bunch of objects in the house change to ultra low-res textures when you get close...

    I think it's beautiful and I was really excited about it, but now I'm just disappointed.
  • AefionBloodclaw
    Just logged in to check the manor, its still bugged, absolutely disgusting textures on the stairs and doorframes, absolutely disgusting behaviour from ZoS that this wasn't fixed in time, and its not even on the PTS, its only on the real server. Zos should be ashamed for this greed, asking 15K for a digital house is bad enough but now selling what is essentially faulty goods, and asking people to pay over a hundred dollars for it... are there any levels to which they won't stoop. Pathetic >:(
    'For love, for friendship and for valour, I stand with the Aldmeri Dominion.'

    Zephyrle Starbreeze, Bosmer Nightblade
    Aefion Bloodclaw, Bosmer Sorcerer
  • ForMalacath
    I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
    Was considering it before they announced the price, but too expensive and I still got plenty of decorating to do in my other homes, including an as yet unfurnished Psijic manor. I'll pick up the furnishing pack though for that awesome Sithis monument (I have the Sithis statue too, from the previous crown store offering)
    In Malacath we trust

    XB1 EU
  • tim99
    I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
    this is and will stay the first "black" house on my map.
    i wont buy any big houses any more cause i cant fill them anyway with the slot limitations. I had to annoy myself too much in the last big houses i tried to decorate over and over again and never came to an satisfying end, so i will stop this direction for a while.
    Also the decision to implement 3 radiant apex to the crown crates which you cant buy with gems (gems are even questionable) and the constantly silently lowered droprate of them (i really wanted all 3 in the last season, so i just did it until they dropped, summary was more than 3k €uro) strengthened my decision not to just buy everything any more. They just pushed it a little too hard, in my eyes.

    Also a reason, i visited the house twice, and both times i got lost. I like straight lines and want to build secret corners myself...and not to search quite some time for an exit :D
    Edited by tim99 on January 18, 2019 1:00PM
  • Jaimeh
    I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
    tim99 wrote: »
    this is and will stay the first "black" house on my map.
    i wont buy any big houses any more cause i cant fill them anyway with the slot limitations. I had to annoy myself too much in the last big houses i tried to decorate over and over again and never came to an satisfying end, so i will stop this direction for a while.
    Also the decision to implement 3 radiant apex to the crown crates which you cant buy with gems (gems are even questionable) and the constantly silently lowered droprate of them (i really wanted all 3 in the last season, so i just did it until they dropped, summary was more than 3k €uro) strengthened my decision not to just buy everything any more. They just pushed it a little too hard, in my eyes.

    Also a reason, i visited the house twice, and both times i got lost. I like straight lines and want to build secret corners myself...and not to search quite some time for an exit :D

    I agree, I won't be buying it either, although I do think it's a striking house. I'm not liking the direction the CS has taken, the gem-exlusive stuff, and recently the whole Indrik bussiness... the fact that we can't hold more than 12 tickets, berries being limited to quarters, and the tickets becoming available in the store, it's not a free gift, it's a logistics nightmare :D I understand things having to be commercialized in a bussiness, but honestly everything's becoming too much of a blatant money grab, so even if I could afford it, I'd still skip it. The slot limit is not being raised any time soon anyway, so most of its beautiful spaces would go undeveloped. Having said that, I'm looking forward to seeing what others do with their Manor, especially now that we have so many tools and addons to our disposal, I'm sure there'll be some awesome ideas :)
  • wolf486
    I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
    Nope, just like in irl I prefer smaller and affordable homes. Autumn's Gate and the Windhelm place do me just fine
    Moved onto BDO and GW2 Skyrim, ATS/ETS2, ACNH and the overall goodness of single player games

    RIP to the following:
    (DC) Tharbûrz gro-Glumgrog - Orsimer -Stamden (lvl 50)
    (AD) Vukz - Bosmer - Stamblade (lvl 50)
  • krisor67_ESO
    I already bought the Lakemire Xanmeer Manor
    I bought it right away, i love the dark feel of the place and with the fishtank looking area is also a big plus
    DPS player, not big on PVP but will do it. Love the homestead part of the game, spend a lot of time decorating places.
  • jevans1342nub18_ESO
    I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
    Love the aquarium, but it's a no for me. Argonian style doesn't appeal to me, and I've got other places to work on. I've barely started decorating Grand Psijiic.

    If they offered a way to get aquarium features in other houses, though, I'd bite. I'd love to have one in Psijiic or Dawnlight.

    I'd also love some more small/medium houses in places like Orsinium, and the Gold Coast, but it's starting to look like we'll never see small gold-buyable places again.
  • Krainor1974
    I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
    Nope need my crowns for arena I’ve already been in pts and finalizing my plans for the house
  • DarcyMardin
    I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
    Nope. Apart from the aquarium, I don’t like it. Too dark and gloomy. I’m not a fan of the whole Argonian swamp thing, honestly.

    Not to mention the high price...
  • BahometZ
    I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
    Too expensive.

    The aquarium room is lovely, and the water areas very pretty, but not much I can do besides, with the furnishing limitations we have.

    I desperately need more race-themed structural items.
    Pact Magplar - Max CP (NA XB)
  • kargen27
    I bought one house with crowns but I'm not going to buy another until they start offering some decent houses we can get with in game gold. I don't mind crown exclusive homes but we should still get some nice homes available with gold.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Jaraal
    I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
    Too much rubble, not enough interior space, not enough green stone furnishings to make it work (stairs, blocks, etc), not enough dry land for a proper garden. The gimmicky aquarium is not enough to make it worth the high price.
  • mateosalvaje
    The aquariums and whirlpool transport are the most amazing things I have ever seen in developer housing. So beautiful!!! But I'm too poor 😝
    I've been wrong before, and I'll be wrong again.
  • Alinhbo_Tyaka
    I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
    I like the aquarium but other than that it is too big and the allowed item count too low to fully decorate it. I also tend not to like the "Ruins" architecture of some of the dwellings. What's wrong with something that has been taken care of?
  • Argon9
    Soul Shriven
    I already bought the Lakemire Xanmeer Manor
    I personaly really like it, ruin aztek theme-ish argonian style. worth it for me.
  • Nerouyn
    I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning to buy it
    Had it been available for in game gold and not limited time only, I might have considered grinding my way towards it.

    It's kind of nice.

    But I wouldn't pay real money for it and certainly not that much.
    I also tend not to like the "Ruins" architecture of some of the dwellings. What's wrong with something that has been taken care of?

    I don't mind it with this one cos it is an actual ruin, but generally speaking the lack of maintenance is mortifying.
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