Hey ZOS,
Maybe it's time to stop all these "innovative" ideas to change everything just to change something? Are you out of work? Someone need to get salary bonus by simulating work?
Stop it already. Stop nerfing things, stop changing things every month. That's not for good, that's for bad.
People spend time and money to get something, get accustomed to this, play for their pleasure, then you come and change'n'change'n'change.
You got your Nerfmire that ruined all the impression for not-a-bad dlc by your actions. You want it again with chapter?
It's not Counter-Strike, or Overwatch, or any other game where you get all the stuff from the start and just play, and where all the so-called balance changes won't be taken to heart. In ESO like in every other MMO you need to invest your time and money to get stuff, to get your character leveled-up etc most of the time bypassing artificial grind-wall btw.
Stop changing everything without any reason.
Stop lying that it's just for players fun and to make game "more interesting" because it's not.
Start working on all the bugs all the required and desired changes requested by ALL the players.
Personally, I'm stopping again all the payments right now in that game again and now until this situation will be resolved.