A new Mane is born

A Mane can be born only under a rare alignment of Masser and Secunda when, according to legend, a third moon appears in the sky.


Do you think we'll see the birth of a new Mane in Elsweyr? We just chose a new one in the Reaper's March questline, but who knows.
Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Lyserus
    No, because you forgot one thing

    nO ChIlDren iN EsO
  • BrianLovesLisa
    Lyserus wrote: »
    No, because you forgot one thing

    nO ChIlDren iN EsO

    LEL that's because Tamerial is where all the adults go who can't reproduce and that is my reason why no kids are in ESO :D
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