Jolipinator wrote: »Time for serious post.
I didn't notice that map in the reveal, I didn't notice a lot of things actually, but this is quite a big deal. Morrowind gave us the entire island of Vvardenfell, Summerset gave us the entire Summerset Isle, but now we only get half of Elsweyr. I am in favour of smaller zones giving us better scaled content, but this just seems like a scam.
This is the official page for Elsweyr information: About halfway down you will see this:
At no point is it suggested we will only visit half of Elsweyr. That map is completely misleading. As for releasing the rest of the region in the future, that sounds silly to me. It looks too large to be a DLC zone, and "Elsweyr 2" would be ridiculous.
martygod12 wrote: »Wow looking at elsweyr in the world and figuring how Wrong they have the map of cyrodiil in the game and bravil lol
Its way too much on the west/North imo and i Will be really curious how they manage it when some south cyrodiil dlc comes in the Future ;D
@WeerW3ir Southern Elsweyr is a bit too large to be just another zone DLC. Unless ZOS intentionally split their resources to make the Q4 chapter sized, it probably won't be. And if it is, we can expect both Q2 and Q4 to be lacking in quality and depth (which I doubt they would risk.)Surely the Q4 DLC will be lower part of Elsweyr.
@WeerW3ir Southern Elsweyr is a bit too large to be just another zone DLC. Unless ZOS intentionally split their resources to make the Q4 chapter sized, it probably won't be. And if it is, we can expect both Q2 and Q4 to be lacking in quality and depth (which I doubt they would risk.)
Jolipinator wrote: »Time for serious post.
I didn't notice that map in the reveal, I didn't notice a lot of things actually, but this is quite a big deal. Morrowind gave us the entire island of Vvardenfell, Summerset gave us the entire Summerset Isle, but now we only get half of Elsweyr. I am in favour of smaller zones giving us better scaled content, but this just seems like a scam.
This is the official page for Elsweyr information: About halfway down you will see this:
At no point is it suggested we will only visit half of Elsweyr. That map is completely misleading. As for releasing the rest of the region in the future, that sounds silly to me. It looks too large to be a DLC zone, and "Elsweyr 2" would be ridiculous.
@WeerW3ir Southern Elsweyr is a bit too large to be just another zone DLC. Unless ZOS intentionally split their resources to make the Q4 chapter sized, it probably won't be. And if it is, we can expect both Q2 and Q4 to be lacking in quality and depth (which I doubt they would risk.)
Surely the Q4 DLC will be lower part of Elsweyr.