Parrot1986 wrote: »I don’t think it fixes Imperial Coty but the fact that it shares population with open world definitely impacts it. This will help it, will it mean more people will go there I’m not sure, still think more needs to be done to make the districts more engaging and encourage more PvP and less flower farming
I am a little confused. Was the main reason for not going to IC the distance you had to cover in cryo?
Why dont you go to IC? What's your reason?
My reason is because it's a ghost town. I dont mind the walking distance at all.
it'll be interesting to see how many different IC maps we end up getting: 50 plus cp, sub 50, 50 plus no cp maybe...
man, constant IC pops have me super excited - I love the district environments...
I would imagine we get those 3 only. If the goal is to push the IC players together, adding more than those 3 would defeat the purpose.
I think it is a great change. Probably get me into IC more often tbh. Especially when leveling a new character.
I am a little confused. Was the main reason for not going to IC the distance you had to cover in cryo?
Why dont you go to IC? What's your reason?
My reason is because it's a ghost town. I dont mind the walking distance at all.
Several reasons:
Sewers used to be the most interesting place. But rewards there are now terrible compared to upper IC. Even if it was the best part of IC, it's still way too linear with no alternative routes to avoid zergs etc.
It's like a terrible terrible miniature version of Darkness Falls in DAOC.
Upper IC has instant respawn zergs. Fight a group and first guy you killed is back before you kill number 2. Mechanics that reward the zerging faction by letting them respawn instantly is terrible.
All in all, I only go to IC to farm tel vars or level stuff. Because the gameplay is pretty crappy.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
I would expect only no cp similar to bgs to be the most likely
Haashhtaag wrote: »IMO they need to also remove the flag system and revert some of the mobs/bosses nerfs they did.
I think the object of this move is to reduce server load from checking it all the time. More so than it being so heavily populated that it lags the rest of Cyro. It's more just a server workload thing?