Savos_Saren wrote: »What about between EP and DC milegates? Can one side pass over the milegate while it's collapsed?
Savos_Saren wrote: »As much as I hate it when AD stands at the damn DC milegates to pewpew- what is the purpose of allowing DC to hop over milegates from their side while the gates are destroyed? So, this setup gives DC the advantage over AD. On the EP/AD sides of the bridges no one can pass over a bridge when they're destroyed. You have to either repair or use the goatpath- which both factions can do. That's pretty balanced.
What about between EP and DC milegates? Can one side pass over the milegate while it's collapsed?
DeadlyRecluse wrote: »They aren't balanced in terms of symmetry, but that doesn't mean they are inbalanced in terms of balance, if that makes sense.
Really, the only change that needs to be made, imo, is make the bridges passable somehow by AD when destroyed but not to EP. Perhaps a height differential that enables a jump or just an easy river crossing angle in general--then all factions would have preferential access in one direction.
The EP/DC milegate is worse. The DC side is on a downhill slope so there is not a lot of spots to place siege. At the DC/EP milegate EP can place more siege than DC. At the DC/AD milegate AD can place more siege than DC because the terrain on the AD side is flat. And AD can avoid the bridges altogether if they can grab the town which requires no siege; and blood port in and from there they can go in 4 different directions.
Savos_Saren wrote: »
You mean grab the town on the opposite side of all the bridges that are down? Just funnel right through that goatpath like pigs to a slaughter.
Savos_Saren wrote: »
You mean grab the town on the opposite side of all the bridges that are down? Just funnel right through that goatpath like pigs to a slaughter.