Your choice to wait, that’s why ZOS made other campaigns.
3 hours looking for a fight, 3 hours in queue, or getting AP farmed on a single alliance controlled server. I pick neither of the three and do something fun.
If they got 3 hour queue, I doubt they have any problem being farmed as they're likely EP and EP is full on about every campaign. Really, there's enough bars in every faction to go around, just not many organized.
Some play to win the campaign, some play to get gold items, some play with their guilds...its not as easy to swap servers, it's like poker, half way through a 30 day campaign, you become pot committed...I want my 5 gold jewelry ... was in top 100 now at high 300... complaint isn't the wait, it's the broken chat...of all the games with in game chat, this seems to be a challenge for ZOS...