So, let me start off by saying that I've been playing the pet sorc class variation for years. My opinion on what the class currently is does not align with what It should be and let me explain why I think this way.
To choose to play pet sorc, is to choose to give up damage for survivability.
While most classes can consistently get 50-60k dps from players at the highest level, pet sorc can get around 40-48k depending on the player, rotation, and what they were willing to give up to squeeze out slightly more damage (from all parses that I have seen). This amount of damage is by no means weak, but it is certainly not competitive. That being said, why do people choose to go petsorc (pre-murkmire)? Because you had insane suvivability aspects. If you built correctly you could even make due with hardened ward + twilight matriarch as your only sources of survivability and still be just fine. This was due to the common method of magicka stacking. Magicka stacking allows us to not only maximize pet DPS, but also bolster our overall survivability with more shields (which would in turn keep our pets alive too). We were by no means the "meta", but we at least had a solid trade-off for our 10k~ loss in dps comparatively.
These benefits however were forfeited at the release of murkmire. Our main reason for choosing pet sorc (the shield) was now gone. If we're lucky we can get it to around 10k with a warden health buff, other than that it's a shadow of its former self. Now, don't get me wrong, I still play the pet sorc and I have still achieved scores of 580k+ in vMA since the patch with him. But the problem lies in comparing it to other classes. Lets compare survivability to it's other variant, the pure sorc:
Pet sorc new survivability skills: power/crit surge, twilight matriarch, hardened ward
Pure sorc survivability skills: power/crit surge, empowered ward/harness magicka
At first glance you'd think with the addition of the twilight matriarch you would have more healing overall. This however is not the case unless you also spec your build into crit (mother's sorrow & thief mundus). This will result in around 3k lower overall dps compared to (infallible aether / lover) and the loss of a group utility set. This is due to critical rating and damage being much more heavily boosted by a pure sorc's strengths than a pet sorc, leaving a twlight matriarch (group off-healing) as the only benefit of going pet sorc for survivability.
In terms of damage, again we lose at a 10k~ loss (13k~ for more survivability) compared to our pure sorc brothers. Overall this means that the pure sorc has made the pet sorc obsolete in most areas, especially due to most pet sorcs choosing to use the twilight tormentor for some reason (eliminating the group utility from the class right off the bat).
Speaking of group utility.
There are 3 things a pet sorc can bring to a group for extra utility, another one of the main reason for choosing this class.
1. Infallible Aether - Extra 8% damage on a target from all incoming sources (usable thanks to our heavy attack rotation)
- No longer viable if you want to keep your survivability at max (see above)
- Must be used in a heavy attack rotation (to get higher numbers people are now switching to light attack rotations to achieve 45-48k~ dps)
2. Twilgiht Familiar - Provides insane group off-healing and can really come in handy to save group wipes
- Being switched out for Twilight Tormentor to try to squeeze out what tiny amounts of extra damage it actually gives to try to be competitive with other classes
- Dies to things still in all content, yes even group PvE content (see below)
3. Off Balance - Due to lightning staff usage, helps increase the DPS of anyone who uses the off-balance passive in CP
- Still useful, but not as much as people have started to navigate away from that passive in favor of more useful ones
The pets make everyone mad!
1. They make me mad because they don't stay alive anymore in vMA (forget about healing yourself with the twilight during round 4 boss phase)
2. They make the group mad because the volatile familiar stuns adds so the tank can't pull them and the twilight matriarch stands in people's faces in trials
3. They make me mad even more because we can't control them, hell we can't even set any positioning or combat options for them! Only "Y" for telling them to attack or come back and you have to spam it to get it to work.
4. They make trial groups mad because pet fixes to trial mechanics are not widely known and left a really bad taste in a lot of people's mouths.
Here's some ideas, none of them are perfect, I don't design video game mechanics for a living
1. Why not give us a pet bar like other MMO's? This would address a lot of the pet problems, maybe even a toggle to turn on and off the pet stun in different kinds of content but keep the pulse
2. Give us our shield back, it makes playing the class less enjoyable for me overall and keeps our pets alive, literally nothing wrong with it besides whiners in PvP (where the shields got stronger if anything)
3. Make the pets consistently invincible in all content or consistently not invincible. You're confusing way too many people with this, when new players see their pets die in PvE overland, they expect that's how they work. They go into dungeons, they assume they need to watch their health and shield spam them though mechanics. Then they learn they don't die in dungeons, go into vMA only to have them die again! It's extremely irritating having to explain it over and over again to new players.
4. If you're not going to help our survivability, buff the pets and give us more damage, it's as simple as that.
Pet sorcs (while still able to complete all content) can not do it competitively or without backlash from group members in PUGs. This is unacceptable at this point. You made us give up a playstyle for no reason and I don't understand why. I will continue to play, improve, and adapt my pet sorc to new changes, but I really hope this reaches the eyes of the community. A lot of you will not care, maybe will want to see a video of me explaining each thing to understand more, might even just be toxic for the sake of it, but I just wanted to get this out there so the community knows how veteran pet sorc players feel like they're being treated.
TL;DR - Pet sorcs are so 2000 and late.
Also, here's a parse because I know how some of you people are without one: