yes, on my templar I did not bothered swaping gear for overland, has DD gear on sorc so she can DDRogueShark wrote: »I just swap out different skills. I don't even bother carrying DPS gear; IA and Olo are both adequate enough.
Instead of Healing Springs, Orbs and Combat Prayer I'll slot my volatile familiar and daedric prey. Then I still have ele blockade and liquid lightning and it's more than enough to plow through any overland/quest/etc content.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
barbarian340 wrote: »how do healers do solo questing and trials, etc in pve?
On PC use alphagear or dressing room, it let you change gear and bar layout very fast.Maybe need an overland set for tanks to make things a bit easier. Bump up wep skills based on how much health you have? I've been playing with a tank recently, and unless you regear and swap skills around it's a very loooooooong process.